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January 11, 2008





I just found your blog and I am very impressed. I was just wondering what your follow up Vitamin D reference was a month after you wrote this article?
I work in the health care field in Preventive medicine and I have subscribed to your feed. I'm looking forward to reading through your archives and new posts to come.
Heres to good health!

I use sunscreen on my face neck and chest and use tanning lotion there was well. I use a tanning salon to help get more Vitamin D, and tan 2 - 3 times a week for 15 minutes. I also take vitamin D3 'chewies', three a day (they also act as my 'treat' at work)at 400 mg each. I had my Vitamin D levels tested as well as still had a value of only 44, not horrible but not great. Working full time makes it difficult to get enough sun between 10 and 3 daily when it's powerful enough to let you get some Vitamin D.

The Healthy Librarian

Thanks for the great suggestions, and sharing your experience with trying to up your D. Love the idea of the chewy D's as a treat, since I really hate swallowing supplements. Interesting how hard it can be to up the level of D. Dr. Michael Holick recommends your technique of the tanning beds, with the sunscreen on the face--and cutting the time to 10-15 minutes. I've recently upped my D intake to 4000 IUs (although I don't end up taking them daily)after hearing Dr. Bruce Hollis' research (he's from the Med College of South Carolina). I plan to get tested this month to see where I am. I'm aiming to get up to 50.

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