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« My Top 12 Super Food Favorites. What I Eat Almost Everyday | Main | How Does Happiness Look on an MRI? Can You Change Anger, Hatred and Jealousy into Compassion, Joy and Kindness? »

February 26, 2008


Dr. Nicole Sundene

Wow that looks great! I love pancakes but they are just too heavy and make me super drowsy. I will try that and see if I have better stamina.

Robert Ross

Why bother with the frying pan?

Just mix ahead and put in the microwave for five minutes on low.

My mix is oatmeal, oatbran and egg white, with a bit of water and from time to time additions like chia seeds, a whole egg or two, nonfat yogurt, etc.

They can be cooked ahead and stored in the fridge or freezer for eating on the run.

If they must be made on the griddle, at least use a heated shovel. :)

From Wikipedia:

Scottish soldiers in the 14th Century carried a metal plate and a sack of oatmeal. According to contemporary accounts, one would heat the plate over fire, moisten a bit of oatmeal and make a cake to "comfort his stomach. Hence it is no marvel that the Scots should be able to make longer marches than other men. Latterly these were used by Adam Ricket on long train adventures."[1]

Samuel Johnson referred, disparagingly, to this staple diet in his dictionary definition for oats:

A grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.

Lord Elibank was said by Sir Walter Scott to have retorted

Yes, and where else will you see such horses and such men?.[2]

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