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« Monday Morning Quarterbacking the Passover Seder with a Little Help from Men's Journal by Way of the New York Times | Main | ADD, Autism, Hyperactivity, Behavioral Problems? Could BPA or Phthalates in Cans, Plastics, Carpets & PJs Be Responsible? »

April 28, 2008


Kristen Cink

Wow, this is one of the most thorough blogs that I have read about BPA so far. It's crazy to think that all this time we have been exposed to BPA but until this recent spur in interest over it, it was brushed under the rug. Our lives are consumed by BPA. It is in fillings in our teeth, it lines the metal in our canned foods, and in our plastic food containers. It is scary to know that BPA is found in most baby bottles and sippy cups. There are many new companies coming out with BPA free bottles though. As far as plastic drinking bottles for adults go, Camelbak has always been BPA free and Nalgene and REI are coming out with a BPA-free lines, too. Also, plastics containing BPA are marked with the recycling code #7.


I really like the Platy bottle from Platypus Hydration ( Their products are 100% BPA-free, according to their website.

Some advantages of the Platy: It's collapsible, so it doesn't take up much space when it's empty. It stands up on its own when it's full. It doesn't impart a plasticky taste to the water. It's lightweight (because we're carfree by choice, how much something weighs is an important factor when deciding what to carry around with me). And I think in a pinch you could even use it as a pillow, if need be...


It's crazy to think that all this time we have been exposed to BPA but until this recent spur in interest over it, it was brushed under the rug. Our lives are consumed by BPA. It is in fillings in our teeth, it lines the metal in our canned foods, and in our plastic food containers. It is scary to know that BPA is found in most baby bottles and sippy cups. There are many new companies coming out with BPA free bottles though. As far as plastic drinking bottles for adults go, Camelbak has always been BPA free and Nalgene and REI are coming out with a BPA-free lines, too.

Hank Roberts

And possibly the biggest source -- those little paper credit card receipts you get with every transaction. Don't lick your fingers ....

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