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September 22, 2008



I have read a few articles like this and this further confirms for me how dangerous it could be! Something interesting to note about the ear-intestine connections via nerve endings is that in acupuncture (I don't study or administer I just receive and am a fan) the ear is a "hot spot" (my terminology, not theirs) for many places in the body and I wonder if this is somehow connected if thinking about it from an East-Meets-West standpoint.

The Healthy Librarian

Thanks for your very insightful comment! I really wish Dr. Fitzgerald would have gotten into more meaty stuff with the ear--nerve ending connection--not the Roman vomitorium stuff. I'm really glad you pointed out the acupuncture connection!


I have been cleaning my ears for 20 years every day, and I am a professional musician so I rely on my ears as a tool, I have had no problems to date. But it does feel good as hell, I would not clean my ears but once a day. Also, I usually do it as soon as I exit the shower because the steam and hot water will have loosened the wax for easier removal.

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