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« The Perfect Relaxing Weekend. Kathryn Kern's 9-Step Program to Reclaim Your Weekend | Main | What Do We Miss When We're in a Hurry? The Violinist in the Metro Station »

January 28, 2009



I LOVE your blogs and the quality of the information and the ideas you include. THANK YOU
I have it on google rss feed- something new for me.
Jeann Brick

Kairol Rosenthal

Congrats on your year of blogging and your switch over to MAC where life is more beautiful on the eyes.

Today marks the launch of my new blog - same down and dirty cancer and health conversation, but all new home. I hope you'll check it out. I really appreciate the comments you leave!


Congratulations !!! Keep doing a great job.

People like you make people like me "brag" about knowing people like you !



Holding you to the promise to blog about the honorable mentions and the losers! I am very interested, this is one reader you would not lose. Very impressed with how things you had learned this year had stacked up. Loved this post and was in Trader Joe's that afternoon to buy ingredients for perfect weekend soups and was staring at canned roast beef and thinking "who buys that and whatever do they use it for." As soon as I thought a pretty Korean lady picked up three cans, so I marched right up, "Excuse me, what do you use that for?" "BEEF TACOS! so easy" It was a very satisfying little moment.

The Healthy Librarian

LOVED your story about the woman in Trader Joe's. You will be amazed at how much more fun and lighthearted everyday interactions become when you start talking to "friendly" strangers. And Trader Joe's is just that kind of place.

Thanks for your nod of support for me to continue to 'fess up to what's working & what's not. I only wish I had more time--but I promise to get to it sometime this week. At least I hope to.

low calorie smoothies

A smoothie toast to Happy Healthy Long Life and your efforts to make it a good and getting better site.

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