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January 16, 2009



I just reserved it from my library. After watching the You Tube video, I can't wait to see it, although I fear that I will be left with very little to eat.


You can find local grassfed suppliers at and Also, see if you have a local farmers market when the weather warms - you'll often find a local producer there.

There are also a number of farms and ranches that ship direct - just google, for example, "grass fed beef." If you do this, be careful about the paid links. Sometimes those will show up in the search "grass fed beef" because the advertiser paid for the term "beef." Some unscrupulous producers will even use the words "Grass fed" in their copy, even tho they are not. Your best bet is to go for suppliers that show up in the regular search links. Most of them have been around for a long time, and are for real.

Your even better bet is to find grass fed organic products!

Good luck!

The Healthy Librarian

Dear "Carex",

Thanks so much for posting those links! Very helpful--the Local Harvest link didn't open for me, but I was able to find it here:

As far as a know (and I haven't looked very hard)the only way to get pasteured (grass-fed) food products is via a CSA (community supported agriculture), a farmer or a co-op. Am I correct, that as of now you aren't going to find them at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's or grocery stores. Does any one else want to weigh in on this?

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