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January 11, 2009



Dear Healthy Librarian

This is a short email to say how much i enjoy your posts . I'm a busy time poor professional type living in the inner city in Australia. Some days i don't have time and you go straight into the trash but more often than not i take the time to skim through and usually find an interesting snippet that makes me stop and think.

So well done you - thanks for adding to the richness of my day.

In terms of the pantry - my partner Sue is the one who is a dab hand in the kitchen - but - i know we like to stock preserved lemons and verjuice as nice little extras.

Have a great day

Re: broth - I like to use the Seitenbacher Vegetable Broth Powder rather than premade liquids. It's inexpensive, shelf-stable, and packed in a recyclable cardboard container. It is available online at Amazon, where an ingredient list is posted.


Just wanted to say Re: the dried beans, I cook mine in a pressure cooker. Takes much less time, between 1 and 2 hours. There are some beans you can't do in a cooker, but most big beans like kidney or pinto are fine. I think they taste better and are firmer than soaked beans. There are lots of websites that tell how to do it and sometimes even pressure cooker instruction manuals will give ratios. My Father-in-law has worn out several cookers over the decades making pintos and as far as I know has never had an explosion. Now if I could just get over my canned tomato habit...


@Veggiemama: Just curious.. 1 to 2 hours in pressure cooker? Won't that make it overcooked and probably result to soggy beans? Thanks

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