Who would have thought?
We all know how important it is to talk to your baby--but that extends to stroller time as well! In England babies spend up to 2 hours a day in a stroller, so it's fair to ask:
What's life like in a baby buggy, anyway?
I found this little nugget from VSL.
"Our experimental study showed that, simply by turning the buggy around, parents' rate of talking to their baby doubled. I had also not anticipated that such a high percentage of babies in face-to-face buggies would be sleeping – 52%, against only 27% in away facing buggies. It was a complete surprise. This is significant as you are more likely to sleep when you are feeling relaxed and safe.
"Our data suggests that for many babies today, life in a buggy is emotionally impoverished and possibly stressful. Stressed babies grow into anxious adults. It looks, from our results, that it is time that we began carrying out larger scale research on this issue. Parents deserve to be able to make informed choices as to how to best promote their children’s emotional, physical, and neurological development."
Advice from Liz Attenborough, Manager of the Talk to Your Baby Campaign:If you have a two-way facing buggy--use the sociable face-face option as the standard. Hopefully, stroller manufacturers will take note of this research and design a stroller to turn the babies around to face their parents (or grandparents).
To read more about the stroller study click here and here.