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April 18, 2009


william meller

What a wonderful post! You have gotten to the heart of this subject, and rounded up a comprehensive list of resources, in short order.
If I may, I would like to explain briefly why I felt a "lite" version of this subject was needed when it has been done so well in a scholarly manner, beginning with the seminal "Why We Get Sick" by Nesse and Williams.
My point of view is that of a practicing doctor. That is why I am always on the lookout for better ways to teach and to treat patients. Most of my patients will never read the academic literature on evolutionary medicine, but they love to hear this information and often find it useful in dealing with their own illness.
My book, Evolution Rx, to be released on May 5th, is written for the general reader. I chose to, and worked hard at, keeping it in everyday language, without shortchanging the ideas or the usefulness.
Thank you very much for helping it find its audience.
William Meller MD

The Healthy Librarian

Dr. Meller,

Thank you so much for writing. I'm anxiously waiting to read your book. I meant no disrespect by referring to it as the "lite" version. Let me change that officially to read: Lay version or popular version.

And you are absolutely right-patients are not going to read the the academic books or articles. From your excerpts it looks to be very interesting--my only concern was that it might distill everything down to one recommendation for everybody, when by the very "nature of evolution", we have so many genetic variations and populations. The whole field is fascinating!

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