Everyday for 2 weeks now my husband has asked me if I've watched the video he emailed me.
I say, "No, not yet, but I will. Thanks for reminding me."
It's called the "Crisis of Credit. The Short & Simple Story of the Credit Crisis".
He says, "You've got to watch it. It will explain how the country's gotten into this mess."
Now you can understand why I wasn't rushing off to the computer to watch it. Depressing, potentially boring--a possible snoozer.
He says, "It's only about 7 minutes long--it's really good--in fact it's so good that I've watched it about 4 times already."
OK. He just asked me again today and I can't delay any longer. I watched it.
He was right. It's really good! It's easy to understand & it makes simple the hard to understand. Even for me.
He was wrong about one thing, though. It's not 7 minutes long--it's 11 minutes long. Relax, that's not really so long. Watch it now, or I'll remind you about it everyday for two weeks.
My Big Tip: If you're not ready to get depressed right now--at least get happy & skip down to "The Sound of Music" - unless, of course you've already seen that video.
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
Now Get Happy - Cheer Yourself Up
Click Here If You Don't See The Video (thanks to Gretchen Rubin's mother-in-law for this one!)
Both videos -- Really good! Thanks for recommending!
Posted by: jeann | May 03, 2009 at 06:20 AM