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July 16, 2009


La Jolla, Ca.

I often make whole grains- such as brown rice, hulled barley, etc- in a larger batch- let them cool- and then portion my serving size into a little container (or a ziplock plastic baggie) to go in the freezer. Then when I need them for meals later- it's a quick microwave job. I find I eat more whole grains- and more variety of them this way- And it's a ton cheaper for me to cook them ahead and freeze, rather than relying on Trader Joes...

Wendy (Healthy Girl's Kitchen)

Made this last week for a Friday Night dinner party at my house. Eliminated all of the oil. Outstanding!!!! This is a very special dish and something that will make everyone happy. Thanks Debby!

The Healthy Librarian

So happy you liked it. I'm making it this week while on vacation--also cutting out all the oil.

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