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August 26, 2009



So, here is another aspect to the opportunity cost issue...

Reading your blog allows me (and many others) to get to know you on another level, or to think about things that are on your mind and then they offer a unique opportunity to think & talk to others about some of these issues.

I think that is a pretty efficient use of time; it is enriching rather than dissipating of one's time and energies.

Of course this is coming to you from someone who just slept in, is looking at and listening to the ocean, just begged off on a charter fishing trip and is anxiously looking forward to lollygagging (sp?) on the beach ALONE the entire afternoon reading a bunch of magazines and one book.

When I get back I may be looking at things differently.

Thank you for always offering me a few new things to think about..............please don't cut out the blogging! Cut out the cleaning and organizing !!!!

Beverly Alexander

I read the following article -
Seeking: How the Brain Hard-Wires Us to Love Google, Twitter, and texting. And Why That's Dangerous. by Amy Yoffe.

It is terribly true. I am writing this at 2:00 am and have to get a kid to school in the morning.

I thought that curiosity and the search for knowledge were absolutely good.

This article is not your typical self-help item or a little tidbit of information - I feel as if my boat has capsized!

Back to the real world...and sleep.

By the way, thank you. This may change things for me.

The Healthy Librarian

Hi Bev,

Glad you read the article. Yes--it really had an effect on me too--so I'm glad I had the opportunity to read it.

I always suspected there was some sort of dopamine release when it came to seeking & finding new information--after all--I am a librarian, and that's what I do.

Many of my colleagues feel the same way--which is why we're in this field.

But now I'm clued in to the "nasty" side of this--the addictive, keep-on-seeking, not satisfied with the answer, treadmill part of google.

Having read Barry Schwartz--The Paradox of Choice--that explains the huge down side of too many choices and how some of us get stuck needing to look at all our options for even the most minor of purchases--like a new coffee pot--I've pretty much made peace with the need to stop after I've spent a reasonable amount of time looking for something.

For me, being aware of the effect of google on the brain 100% helps me to put the brakes on----It helps me to distinguish between those times when I'm legitimately looking for information and when I'm just needlessly wasting precious time.

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