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September 30, 2009



LOL - I remember those gym suits in the photo at the top!

Thank you for your extremely well-researched web site. I deeply appreciate the information.

I had a bit of a smoothie disaster when I put a lot of red mustard greens into one. It tasted like a horseradish shake. I'm stoical about eating things if they are healthy, but I had to heat this smoothie to calm down the taste and make it edible.


those gym suits AND wearing hair in flips - oh yeah!

The Healthy Librarian

TO Lora & Jeann:

Oh those gym suits! So ugly--and we were supposed to take them home every week to wash them. We'd have these line-up inspections to make sure. I rarely took mine home and I always wondered how the gym teacher would know if they were washed or not. I do miss the flips--but not the rollers--how did we sleep on those things?

TO Lora: Horseradish Shake! Yuck. Could anything sound worse?

Big Green Smoothie tip--be careful of the greens you choose--stay away from juicing strong tasting ones that are better cooked--like mustard greens & collards. I find the BEST for juicing is (my fave) LACINATO KALE, spinach, and some milder Swiss chards. Lacinato is dark green, tapered leaves, and puckery. Do you add fruit to your smoothie? My super picky son sticks to spinach (& fruit)for juicing.

Believe me I've thrown out a batch or 2 with bitter greens--good idea of yours to heat it up. Did it really work to cover up the taste?

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