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September 24, 2009


Steve Parker, M.D.

Esselstyne might be right, but his conclusions are not accepted by the cardiology and medical communities. Is his program like Dr Ornish's: low-fat vegetarian, supportive community, and meditation? Ornish probably did show reversal of coronary plaque.

Scientists are increasingly questioning the connection between dietary saturated and total fat, and harding-of-the-arteries. I blogged about it here:



His (Esselstyn) program is like Ornish, with the exception that he doesn't think the meditation is absolutely necessary. Even maybe a little more restrictive.


In addition, Dr. Steve, as long as the American Heart Association is better served by keeping Plavix and Crestor in the bloodstream, there is unlikely to be "proof" that the real key is as unsexy and cheap as "eat plants".

Your "Nail in the coffin of the Diet-Heart Hypothesis" is only such because you are cherry picking evidence.


How do I get the 28 day vegan diet that Rocco is on?

The Healthy Librarian

Hi Valerie,

Rocco's diet was a vegan diet, which is pretty straight forward: No animal products. But for it to be effective & make you feel great, you have to load up on the healthy stuff, and not rely on all the processed junk soy meat substitutes.

For newbies I'd recommend Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet. It's fun to read, easy to follow, with great advice--and it's been used successfully by many.

Week One:  Eliminate dairy, processed & refined foods.  aka "Gas Station" food

Week Two:  Stop eating meat, chicken, eggs & fish

Week Three:  Remove added oil

Week Four:  Maintain Weeks 1, 2, & 3

What Can You Eat?

1.Vegetables-lots of greeny leafy ones to restore & heal the endothelial lining of your blood vessels.  Kale, Swiss Chard, Cilantro, Collards, Bok Choy, Parsley, Spinach, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower

2.Whole fruit

3.Whole grains

4.Beans/Legumes; "light" tofu--cautious use of low-fat soy meat substitutes. Many are highly processed, high-fat junk food.

Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet:

Some Q & A From The Esselstyn Father & Son Team: The Plant Strong Fireman & The Plant Perfect Doctor

Or just click on Vegan Diet over on the left-hand column subject headings and get loads of information. Recipes are under Vegetarian Recipes

Bob Shafer

Is the engine 2 diet a good diet to reverse the onset of diabetes?

The Healthy Librarian


Yes, the Engine 2 Diet would help prevent diabetes--if followed correctly. It will definitely help you lose weight--an important step. Exercise is also an important part of the equation! The links on this page will explain further:

Good luck!


what happens to all the plague with the new diet

rooby moon

and in the it not the overview of getting rocco started into a new lifestyle no matter whose products or advice he follows? everyone has his own guru and good for you. food lifestyles are like religion, choose the one that works for you and satisfies your needs. with the oz help rocco now knows he has a choice besides his past. go oz!

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