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October 11, 2009



Another great post - thanks! To be scientific about one's approach to this diet, you need to know your baseline, and as you mentioned, everyone guesses too high. If you're not a part of a study, how would you ever figure this out? Once you have your magic number, then you have to be systematic in recording your food consumption, which means calculating what the calories all come to. Not the hardest thing in the world to do, but harder to do then flossing your teeth, and plenty of people skip that.
I think this would be most likely to be undertaken by those of us can glimpse our immortality either through dint of age or prospective health issues. That said, it is very intriguing to me...if I could get a baseline, I think I would give it a shot.

Tomer Guez

> You have to submit a weekly food diary.

A good addition to this is a very good program I have been using, Food And Exercise Diary (WeightLossSoftware.Com). It is a food diary, medical diary, and exercise diary. Lots of functions.


I read the article in the Times this morning, and your blog post this afternoon. I started doing a vegetarian low-carb regime, but couldn't hack no meat, so added eggs, chicken breast, tuna & salmon. I found that most of the foods I'm eating are on this list! All I would need to do is rethink the fats, and I am so doing.


I pretty much already follow such a diet (Esselstyn & McDougall). Mostly because I don't want exploratory open heart surgery.


I do miss Spirulina on this list.

Hank Roberts

I grew up on collard, turnip, and beet greens and love them; but back in the 1950s, cooking greens was a little different -- there was a little bucket by the stove for pouring bacon grease out of the skillet in the morning, with a filter on the top to catch the crunchy bits, and that was used the rest of the day for all kinds of cooking, including the greens.

Recipes needed ....

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