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November 21, 2009



Very timely Deb. Just last week an 18yr. old told me she had just received a call from her dad and he wanted to tell her how proud he was of her.

She was smiling ear to ear when she shared this story.

I couldn't remember the last time I told my adult kids and teenager how proud I was of who they have become--so I decided to talk to each one.

The youngest one loved hearing that I was proud of her, but wanted & needed to hear all the reasons why--the oldest one wondered what I had just read that gave me the idea to call--and the middle one said thanks, but wondered why I was calling now (it was early in the morning).

I told him I thought it was a wonderful way to start the day and there is never a wrong time to share a word of praise.

The biggest surprise was how good I felt after talking to each of them.


Weird. Last Friday I got a call from my dad on my birthday, and he told me how proud he is of what I've accomplished. I'm 50. (put myself through college, a professional degree and professional registration, etc.)

I stammered something akin to 'thank you'. Not telling him that sometimes I still feel like a fraud.

The Healthy Librarian


Funny, we all love to hear the compliments, but then at the same time we feel not quite worthy--as you say, "Feel like a fraud".

Thank goodness I've read often that most everyone feels this way. I guess our own standards can never quite be reached.

Belated Happy Birthday!! Here's to a wonderful year.

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