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November 04, 2009



From one of the NY times articles...

Dr. Formenti said she was concerned about finding tumors in older people that would probably not kill them. But the diagnosis turns them into cancer patients and erodes their peace of mind forever.

“We take away the innocence of being healthy and not having to worry about cancer,” she said. “The psychological cost of becoming a cancer patient is underrated.”

As someone who got "screened" for something that she shouldn't have been screened, I totally agree... I have information about something that I will just worry... I've almost got it in perspective, but it's taken a couple of weeks for me to figure it out, and feel like I understand it. Someone who is older, and not trained to think in "research" ways may not be able to get past the worry.

I hope that we can gain a better understanding of markers to distinguish dangerous cancers from slow growing, most likely non-fatal ones.

The Healthy Librarian

Thanks for emphasizing Dr. Formenti's point. It's no small matter when one's peace of mind is shattered, and when one starts thinking of themselves as a sick person, rather than a healthy one.

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