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December 12, 2009



Here are some ideas (many on my list):

iTunes gift certificates (to buy tunes for the iPod/Nano)
Hand weights
Workout DVDs
Anatomy book
Bosu Ball (Negatives: kind of expensive, and kind of big for home storage, but it's on my list!!! I love the BOSU!)

Gift certificate to Whole Foods
Klean Kanteens/or any brand of stainless steel water bottle (great to take on workouts!)

I love getting new work out clothes or a gift certificate for them
My girls love getting new workout clothes (ages 4, 5 and almost 8)
Books for kids about their bodies/exercise/good food

I'll add more if I think of good stuff.

I think some people like to hike and there's a WHOLE world of stuff there that I don't know about, but I'd give a gift certificate to an outdoor store like REI.

The Healthy Librarian


These are fantastic suggestions! Thank you so much.

Love the idea of workout clothing--and I never would have guessed little girls would be interested + great idea about the kid books.

Actually, I like everything on your list--for giving or getting.

Only tried Bosu about twice--the instructor wasn't so good--but what a workout. Sounds like you're a big fan. Maybe I should give it another try.


The suggestions were great. It's amazing how many I actually have and hadn't thought to give as a gift.


Amazing list!

Great ideas on the comment above.

I learn so much from your blog. (and just bought a Polar 6 Heart Monitor at your recommendation). A Vitamix is next on my self-gift list.

I would consider giving a pressure cooker (Kuhn Rikon Duromatic 7.5 quarts) for quick bean, vegetable, soups and risotto dishes along with Lorna Sass' book: Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure.

How about a water filtration system? (We have an Aquasana the filter is changed every 6 months.)

As we discussed earlier, the books: "Born to Run" by MacDougall and "Younger Next Year" by Crowley and Lodge. Highly motivating and inspiring!

I would like a gift certificate for a few visits with a personal trainer to advise about weight lifting. (if anyone reading here is interested. LOL!)

Happy Holidays to all!

(I need to look up the BOSU ball!)

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