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December 10, 2009



Great post! Looking forward to next week's post!

Dr. Hilla Abel

I'm wondering if this study used D3 or D2? (I read your previous note--and the linked article--showing they were equivalent...I'm still curious, though.) Thanks for this great post and your other vitamin D posts as well!

The Healthy Librarian

It's D3! And it's right in his NIH research proposal. Dr. Holick's study showed both D2 & D3 could both raise the blood levels of D equivalently--which was the big question.

But, Dr. Hollis is 100% in favor of using D3 over D2 unless there's no option. It's the more natural form. Hope that helps!


I'm new to your blog and really enjoying it. Thanks for all the great information! I've always been reluctant to take supplements because they aren't regulated. Do you have any advice for choosing high quality supplements?

The Healthy Librarian


Check the reliability of any supplements you choose to take. Check the Consumer Labs website to find out the reliability and safety of the vitamins and supplements you are taking. They've done a lot of analysis on supplements and you'll be able to find out which brands are better than others. The good news is that most of them are just fine. For the link to Consumer Labs, click here:

To get reports you will probably have to join--which is around $25/year. Solgar. Carlson, and NOW are reliable brands. When I have a chance I'll check the vitamin D report on the Consumer Union.

Dr. Elaine

This study, as well as countless others indicate the true breakthrough in our understanding of disease risk and development. It is the most profound medical finding, in my opinion, since the discovery of penicillin.


Wondering where I could get full-text of his recent study. I work for a high-risk OB/GYN & we need a full-text reference to discuss with colleagues. Any chance someone could point me in the right direction? The NIH website has the study listed as in progress with no results posted yet, and it's not in our clinical database. Would really appreciate it! Thanks

V. Zawistowski

Hi Healthy Librarian,
I read your posts on the NYT Well Blog comments with interest, and came here today looking for more information on the Hollis study on vitamin D and preeclampsia.
But I'm a bit dismayed that you have mischaracterized the Minnesota Department of Health report that I worked on about autism in the Minneapolis Somali community (see here: We looked at "administrative prevalence" of the ASD special education label among preschoolers, which is quite different from an actual medical dx of ASD - work still needs to be done to confirm whether or not these Somali children would be dx with ASD by medical professionals. This is complicated by a lack of good tools to dx ASD in this population with varying English literacy (since language expression is such a big part of ASD). Add to that various issues with possible under identification of preschoolers who should receive special ed help for ASD among other ethnic groups (notably Asians and Native Americans). So, it is not accurate to say that ASD incidence rates are 2-7x higher among MN Somalis compared with non-Somalis - we just don't know enough yet to make that statement.
About your statement "Autism was unheard of in these families when they lived in Africa": there could be a lot of reasons for that unrelated to actual ASD prevalence - for example, the places that Somali refugees in Africa lived in didn't have the same kind of medical and educational systems that we have here in the US, so of course they aren't going to screen, diagnose, and treat children for developmental disabilities in the same way. Also, it is only pretty recently here in the US that ASD has become known to the general public - a generation ago most people probably had not heard of it.
Anyway, the Vitamin D-autism hypothesis is interesting, but there is so much more work that needs to be done just to establish whether or not there are real differences in ASD prevalence between populations, let alone why that may be.
I look forward to reading more of your blog.

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