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December 18, 2009



Hi, from my research I have come to the conclusion that even once in a while is too much for me to use 'texturized vegetable protein". I find many recipes that look great such as the pear "steak" salad here and the soup you have posted before that calls for "meatless vegan meatballs" but we avoid the overly and poorly processed isolated soy protein. I have the same issue with some of the recipes in Esselstyn's E2Diet book which call for "meat crumbles". I am always looking for a good substitute for the meat and the "meat"! Sometimes portobello mushrooms work. For some recipes tempeh, seitan or firm tofu just won't work (such as the Italian Wedding soup) I would appreciate your and anybody else's ideas. Thanks!

The Healthy Librarian


Point well taken. I too mostly avoid the isolated soy protein (but I'm not so strict)--and I agree that sometimes seitan, extra firm tofu, and tempeh work, but sometimes they don't quite give me the taste and speed I'm after when I want a super-quick meal--that resembles a former favorite food.

Ellen Allard of "I am Gluten-free" has some great fakes withoutthe isolated soy protein that really work: a tuna fish salad made from garbanzo beans, and a "meat loaf" that's all veggie, and AMAZING. Both, however, take some prep time, especially the meat loaf. If you make it--double the recipe & freeze one.

Tuna fish:

Meat Loaf:

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