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« Hit With a Triple Punch All In One Week--a Cold, Disabling Back Pain, and a Cold Sore. What Worked? What Didn't? | Main | Exercise and Diet Derail Diabetes. NPR on Preventing Diabetes - How Small Changes Have Big Payoffs »

January 02, 2010



Happy birthday! And thanks for your inspiring writings - it is a great gift to your readers. I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say throughout 2010.

Chris G.

Great post! Inspiration for the new year. Glad to hear you're feeling better and ready to tackle the next 20 yrs.

Happy New Year,


Happy Birthday! Thanks for this inspiring gift of ideas and recommendations. Hope you have a remarkably wonderful year!


Happy Birthday, again, from all of us. Let me know about the pelvicore ball...and those mind tips.
- DIL Leslie


Happy Birthday! This sixty-six year old veggie in your Garden of Friends welcomes you to the sixties, which will be delightful years of health and satisfaction and happiness. Your thoughtfully planned life is setting you up for many more years of vitality -- good for you! Thank you again for helping us understand how and why to look after ourselves healthfully and effectively!

The Healthy Librarian

Dear Happy, Leslie, Jeann, Chris, & Rick,

Thanks for the b-day wishes & appreciative comments. Feedback really is a gift!

Even though there was a fluffy blizzard this morning, I took the plunge & trekked out to exercise. So glad I did! Subaru's rule in the snow belt!

And Happy, you really are an inspiration to me! You're the reason I now eat an apple as an evening snack. You're right. It works!


Rather than try to remember when I was going to take supplements or medications, I find it easier to take supplements when I brush my teeth, since it's a very fixed routine. Sometimes that means I take things with/without the right foods or full stomach, etc., but it's been working really well for me.


Happy Birthday! You've done it again- giving us a very nice summary of what we need to be doing to get to a *healthy* old age. What a gift to your readers-thanks!

Dare to be different

I just turned 66 this week. I retired from my profession last month, took one day off and started a challenging job with long hours and lots of young people. Making it through the first month has surprised my new coworkers and completely revitalized me. I highly recommend reinventing oneself, in spite of the obstacles.
I subsist on a mostly natural diet that is more than 50% plant based. Most of the fruits and vegetables that I buy are organically grown produce. I eat no meat or poultry, though I'm not opposed to others eating it. I do eat limited amounts of wild caught fish, nuts and organic eggs. I eat some low fat dairy everyday - most of it cultured. Seeds and legumes are also a regular part of my diet. I take lots of supplements too. I suffer from inflammatory disease, which is kept at a low level by taking tumeric, hyaluronic acid, krill oil and boswellia herb. I find that this combination works better than the prescribed medications ever did and has no adverse affects. Every morning, I take royal jelly, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine with a prescribed diuretic that keeps my blood pressure at a safe 120/70.
Lots of people laugh at me and think that I'm nuts. Maybe so, but I'm also healthy, happy and energetic. I try to take a group fitness class a few times per week, garden in summer, keep abreast of the news, stay in touch with family & friends and make a conscious effort to be generous in both thought & deed.
I used to be a hot head. I rarely get angry anymore, and have learned to put things in proper perspective rather than going over the edge. I try to direct my energies into positive things. It feels so much better and has probably added years as well as peace and joy to my life.
I hope these ideas will inspire others to do likewise and I'll finish off by recommending that people over 50 should not linger at the mirror too long :-)


I got here from a comment you made on an NYT article about Pollan's Food Rules. I loved reading this post! I'm 27, and have spent the last year and a half turning my eating, exercise, and whole lifestyle around. This post had a lot of information that was inspiring to me, as well as a lot of what I've discovered over the past few years. I like #5 :) I try to squeeze a Zumba class into my workouts each week... so fun!

The Healthy Librarian

Hi Eutheria,

Smart woman to have started on exercise & a healthy eating plan in your twenties. There is no doubt that you will thanking yourself by the time you turn 60, 70, & 80. The research is irrefutable, and the sooner you start the better. I still haven't tried out Zumba--but I know I will love it. Glad you visited from NYT!

I like #5 too!!

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