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January 12, 2010


Dear Medical Librarian :
This is a wonderful summary of eating, sleeping and exercise tips we can all use from the experts. You have chosen some of my favorite health experts to quote: Dr. Oz, Dr. Hyman and Mr. Pollan. I want to get this in poster size for my wall.
Thank you for your research and credible writing. The world is full of health quackery and false claims. You rock Medical Librarian!
Emma Fogt, MS, RD, MBA, LDN
creating a lifetime of healthy eating

Healthy Librarian

Hi Emma,

What a nice surprise & coincidence to hear from you! Not only did I pick your quote over all the rest of the one's submitted in the NYT's "contest" to use on my blog--but you took the time to write. I think about your apple quote every day---to decide if I'm really hungry or not. It works!

Great website Emma! I'll definitely be visiting it again!

Thanks for taking the time to write--your compliments made my day!


Wow, what great advice!

I myself, after struggling with weight for almost a decade, can testify to the power of the information that Dr Hyman presents. I have found his book, "Ultra-Metabolism", so useful in fact, that I have used his book as a template for the Diet Myths section of my site: .

I will definitely bookmark this page, and link from my site to here as well! Thanks so much!


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