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February 14, 2010



Also - healthy librarian - when you are exercising by yourself, the music will help motivate you too! Try making a mix of your favorite songs from your spinning class and listen to those next time you do your weights, walk or other cardio. I am pretty sure you wrote about being in an exercise rut recently - it really can make all the difference. If you need some tunes, I would be happy to help. Music is one of the greatest joys of my (our) days - I need a fix every day.


Thank you for the great musical selection, Healthy Librarian. Why not include a piece of music you enjoy with each of your columns? It will sure help slow left-brained me down!
Thanks again.

The Healthy Librarian


You are on! Yes, I do need suggestions for great motivating music.

I LOVE spinning probably because the music is so upbeat. It's like dancing at a wedding. So great idea about using those playlists.

This morning on the way into work I decided to listen to a CD that my spinning instructor had given me. What a refreshing change from my usual NPR news & talk that's mostly depressing. But, I don't know--I'm not ready to 100% give up my morning NPR fix. I would have missed "Parenting 101" a wonderful Q & A from 2 local psychologists. Their answers were so wise.


I'm so glad you liked the song. I've gotten a number of positive emails--which really surprised me, because this was really just a spur-of-the-moment kind of post. I was so moved by the experience I just decided to write about it and share the song. Wish I had more expertise in even know what good music is out there.

A reader in NY

I am like you -- I mostly listen to podcasts, news etc on my iPod -- rarely music. Do you meditate? That's another way to relax besides listening to music.

The Healthy Librarian

Hello NY Reader--I have meditated--even been to some week long silent meditation retreats which were wonderful--but I have yet to make meditation a regular daily habit. Any good advice or inspiration about how to just take the time to make it a regular habit? Glad to hear that I'm not the only one with a music-less iPOD!

I do think meditation is easier for me than just sitting & listening to music.

Ralph Jaccodine

Dear Healthy Librarian,

As someone who’s written wonderful words about the great music coming from singer songwriter Ellis Paul – first I’d like to tell you thank you. I’ve been Ellis Paul's friend and manager since 1992 and his music, words and friendship are jewels in my life. Upon examining the state of the music industry, Ellis and I have realized that far and away the most important connections that we have are not at all on the business side of the equation – it’s the people that love Ellis’ music. They’re more important than the biggest retailer or the most powerful radio station - so we’re starting a campaign to empower the people. Ellis’ new album “The Day After Everything Changed” was completely funded by his fans and is one of the finest he’s ever recorded. Many of Ellis' fans and folks passionate about great songwriting don’t even know that it’s been released. So if you’d like to help support a truly independent artist – here’s how. The lead single track on TDAEC is “Annalee”, and if you go to you can download “Annalee” for free. Unlike so many other free song offers – you don’t have to give us your email, sign up or register for anything at all. It’s free for the taking. The small favor we would ask? Please share it with any and all of your friends that would enjoy Ellis’ music. This would help our efforts and help spread the music. This truly is a campaign about the power of the people in the support of independent music and artists.

Please stay in touch.

And thank you.

Ralph Jaccodine, Manager

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