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February 27, 2010



Try a salad spinner to get your greens and sprouts dry. I scoffed when my friend recommended this, but it really works! No need for that hairdryer.

The Healthy Librarian

I always use a salad spinner after washing greens for salads--but I'm such a ditz--if NEVER occurred to me to use it for produce brought home from the grocery store. I'm still thinking that it will still be damp, and be prone to early spoilage--but I'll give it a try.

Thanks for the tip AnnaDe


When you need to dry a large quantity of greens or other produce, try this: (1) Spread out a large bath towel on your kitchen counter. (2) Spread your freshly washed veges along the middle third of the towel, leaving about 6 inches on both ends of the towel free. (3) Fold the sides of the towel over the veges. (4) Fold the top and bottom thirds of the towel over the veges. Now you have a "packet" of vegetables. (5) Put your packet(s) of veges in your empty washing machine. (6) Set the machine to "spin" and let it run for 1 - 3 minutes or so, as desired. You'll find that the water disappears into the towel and the veges come out quite dry. It sounds crazy, but I think it works as well as a salad spinner...and is really helpful if you're serving salad or whatever to a lot of people. Essentially, we are turning our washing machines into extra large salad spinners! Hope this is helpful! (I love this blog!)


Thanks, I'm going to try sprouting thanks to your raves! I actually have canning jars and never-used sprout lids, but wonder if I should try one of the other methods on the site you recommended.

Cynthia Bailey MD

I made sprouts when I was a teenager but then forgot about them for years. I been 'sprouting' again for over a year and love having fresh sprouts instead of lettuce for sandwiches. I also top cooked/warm meals with sprouts and a dash of our olive oil. It adds nutrition,a lovely fresh flavor and a nice raw food texture to the meal. In the summer and fall I have a large veggie garden, but in the winter it's sprouts and a small winter garden for my fresh produce.

Great post. I'm intrigued by the bags and your avocado story!
Warm Regards, Cynthia Bailey MD

Positive Massage Therapy

Long ago, when many of your readers were probably still sprouts, I unsuccessfully tried sprouting. Your encouragement has got me thinking about trying it again though. I love producing my own healthful food and as an apartment dweller sprouting is just the right scale.

Something I'm doing you might want to try if you aren't already is making sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables. It is very healthful and easy to make, although having the right type of container is necessary(I use half gallon canning jars.) A start for learning more is Sandor Katz's

It is great to hear that you've switched from exercise machines to free weights. I'm quite a zealous proponent of that myself.

Positive Massage Therapy

The Healthy Librarian

Dear Steven,

Your comment awhile back was the push I needed to move beyond those machines--so thank you. I used to do the free weight/squat/lunge thing in classes--but for the past couple years because of my schedule the machine routine was just more convenient!

I am very interesting in trying my hand at making fermented veggies--so I will check out Sandor Katz's site.

My son in NYC made sauerkraut in the Fall, and I was afraid to try it--not sure if it needed to follow safe canning practices---I was wrong! And fermented foods are supposed to be good for us--but that's about all I know about it!

Thanks for your helpful tips!


The salad spinner.....what a great invention! I use it for all my greens.

I will try the sprouts. I have bought alpha sprouts, but I would much rather grow my own. I love your blog!

Thank you for all the great information.



Unfortunately it seems just about impossible to wash seeds sufficiently to cut out the risk of contamination that might be on them and, if so, can thrive on the same conditions that foster the sprouting. I found these two advisories about the risks: and

Thank you for your extremely informative web site. It is one of my favorites!!

The Healthy Librarian

Hi Lora,

I appreciate your concern, but take a look at the link on The Sprout People website, for their thorough explanation of the "sprout contamination" issue.

I had avoided sprouts for years--ever since the 1996 outbreak. Here's their page about Food Safety. This is a reputable, long-standing family-owned company. I really feel confident & comfortable using their seeds.

It's all about correct & hygienic farming practices--and not using raw manure--all of which occur when using Certified Organic seeds.

"Sprouts grown by Certified Organic Sprout Growers from Certified Organic Seeds have never been blamed for a single illness! While the sprout growers of the US jump through hoops trying to find a safe seed sanitation technique to prevent further outbreaks that basic fact is ignored! ...."

Even the Johns Hopkins Brocco-Sprouts company offer a similar explanation about how they stand behind their safe hygienic practices.

The Healthy Librarian

One other thought about the sprouting seeds--not only are they coming from a reputable source who uses certified organic seeds (except the broccoli seeds--but they know the farmer, have used him for years--read more, if you want here: ) but they get washed about 6 times when you do the "home sprouting".


what sprouting gear did you you pick from the sprout people?

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