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March 15, 2010


Cynthia Bailey MD

Bless you for finding the yoga and bone strength article! I tried and tried to find a study on yoga as a weight bearing/bone strengthening exercise, and came up empty. I know that in my own experience I'm tweaking the little bone forming factory in my upper body when I do all the weight bearing arm poses in yoga, but the medical literature did not provide me the supporting study during my search.

I think that yoga belongs in the fitness program of everyone who's serious about healthy aging. Thanks for helping fill in a missing puzzle piece in the discussion.

Cynthia Bailey MD

raye lankford

Hey, there! I can tell you, your friends improvement was definitely related to yoga. In 2007, Dr. Loren Fishman of Columbia University started a pilot yoga program to study the effects of yoga on osteopenia and osteoporosis. The study lasted for two years, ending in the summer (fall?) of 2009. Every single woman who was in the program (and practiced faithfully) made significant gains in BMD. One woman gained 1.5 points in her hips. On average, the scores were +0.7 in the hips, and +0.5 in the spine. I joined the second round of the study which began in September of 2009, and after only 10 months of daily yoga, I have gone from osteoporosis to osteopenia in three out of five test sites (only my left hip neck and femur are a little sluggish). You can read more about my particular journey over on my blog, and you can read more about the yoga study at

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