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May 26, 2010



When I do brown something (sweet potatoes for example) I always grill it after brushing it lightly with olive oil - just a thin coating, not so it's swimming in oil.

And, after reading your remarks about nuts, I'm going to put almonds on my shopping list! :-)

Ken Leebow

I hate to be critical of your cartoon, however, it perpetuates the myth that fiber tastes like "crap". It doesn't.

Most people avoid it because of that myth. And, interestingly, it assists with satiety...which ultimately assists with weight-loss and good health.

Dr. Neal Barnard states: "Fiber is your best friend." He adds that: ...for every additional 14 grams of fiber that you consume, you will reduce calorie intake by 10%. Here's his visual of that ...

Ken Leebow
Feed Your Head


I would love to get more details from you on your successful cooking experiments from last week - especially those homemade Larabars! Please give more details! Love your blog - I have learned so much from the postings, and it keeps me inspired to keep trying to do better!

Healthy Librarian


No offense taken--and you're right. I just wanted an excuse to use that cartoon. Thanks for the link. And you're so right re fiber.


Thanks for your positive feedback. I thought I would include the recipes in this post--but as always it already was way to long. I will definitely include the recipes this weekend some time. The "Larabars" were a taste test hit at work--and my meat-loving son loved the other recipes. He's my "taste barometer"

Cynthia Bailey MD

Oven browning on parchment paper! Parchment paper that's flat and well priced at the restaurant supply store! Wow, those are fabulous tips for me. Thank you for your experimentation with this. I do a lot of veggie oven roasting and this will absolutely change how I do it. I'll be thinking about you every time. Cheers!
Cynthia Bailey MD


Love your blog! I wonder if you are still eating too many high glycemic foods and if this isn't contributing (more than fats and oils) to your cholesterol issues. Dates, the primary ingredient in Larabars, are an extremely high glycemic food, higher than glucose. Also, adding maple syrup, brown sugar, etc. in place of oil might be affecting your cholesterol as well. Have you read Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes? I was interested to see that Andrew Weil agreed with many of his assertions, eg. that fat is less a contributor to obesity and high cholesterol than sugar and refined carbohydrates. I know you've cut out many high carb foods from your diet, but I wonder if cutting out dates, all dried fruit, and sugar might help even more.

Also, have you tried Neptune krill oil supplements instead of fish oil? From what I've read, krill is much more effective in cutting cholesterol than fish oil. BroccoSprouts claim to have a similar effect. Good luck with getting your cholesterol to a healthy level!

Healthy Librarian

Thanks for the tips, Rose. Dr. Esselstyn also mentioned the dates--I've actually ditched them in my oatmeal--and I'm only adding apples. But I sure like those Larabars--but not eating them often at all now.

I really do pay attention to the glycemic index--and I do have to say--the 3 weeks before that cholesterol test were probably not representive of my usual diet--traveling, eating at restaurants, lots of possible corruptive influences. Wish I could have a "do over", but probably unlikely to happen.

I have read Taubes book--and I agree with some of what he says re refined carbs--but not the "fat" part.

Thanks for the tip about krill oil. I've heard of it--but can't say I know any more than that--definitely worth researching.

Janet Mace

Just found your site (we saw Dr. Esslestyn on CNN this week) and was wondering if you could substitute prunes for the dates in the larabar recipe. We eat lots of prunes as they are low-glycemic index and high in fiber. Thanks for all the helpful info on low/no oil cooking and all the research you are doing in this area!

The Healthy Librarian

Janet---for sure give it a try--and then let me know how it tastes. It may work even better because prunes are a little moister. And just out--prunes benefit bones. A reader passed this on to me last week & I haven't had time to share it yet--

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