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« Chow Down: Eat Like Your Life Depends On It. A Documentary About Three People Who Change Their Diets To Reverse Their Heart Disease & Diabetes | Main | The Healthy Librarian's Friday Five: Vitamin D for Babies, Pregnancy, Pelvic Floor Health, and Possible Breast Cancer Prevention. Skip the Caffeinated Coffee and Try Some New Smoothie and Sushi Recipes »

May 06, 2010


Cynthia Bailey MD

This is another of your incredibly useful posts. Thank you for finding this informational resource. I'm curious about Dr. Barnard's statement about dairy and joint pain. Did he give more references in his presentation? Do you know anything more about this? I'm curious because I've given up cow dairy with extraordinary improvement in my joint pain. I really miss it as the occasional treat, but I have to steer 100% clear of it. I'm also curious about how soy milk fits into the soy food category-highly processed? Sure is full of sugar, but again it's a tasty substitute for that cow dairy.
Cynthia Bailey MD

Hope Sanford

FINALLY someone has pointed out that every culture has used some form of "starch" as the basis of their diet- and were sometimes forced to live only on that starch. I am 5'8"tall, 58 yrs old and thin- and I have always eaten a diet heavy on grains (whole, of course).Carbohydrates are not the food of the devil!

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