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June 26, 2010



This article is heartbreaking, and very compelling. I sent the link to everyone in my immediate family, and it's made me revise my living will to include a special proviso if I have dementia.

This post and your previous one got me thinking about the kind of death one might have if one were to follow Esselstyn's prescription. Did you happen to discuss that or maybe it's in one of their books?

Looking forward to seeing your great numbers after the 3 week Esselstyn diet.

Thanks for all your work.


Gael in Vermont

My own mother is in a rehab facility after having a bout with pneumonia last month and a short hospital stay. Reading Katy's piece, there is so much I can connect with. There are no easy decisions here. I see the assortment of pills she takes, the regimented and boring physical therapy (for her previous stroke)and the cold, young doctor who is relegated to her case. I do not want that sort of life. I am trying my best to eat well, exercise, and keep up with your terrific blog! You're an amazing role model! I'm with you, Deb!

PS...City Island was wonderful!
And, I signed up for Fishman's study.


This was a great post. I also saw City Island and I thought it was great movie. You'll appreciate it even more if you are a New Yorker!

Ken Leebow

That is an incredible article. My grandmother had a pacemaker...she lived to almost 104. That sounds wonderful to everyone, however, the last eight years of her life were spent bed-ridden.

Sadly, I believe most aspects of technology have far out-paced our ability to deal with the unintended consequences.

1. Wall Street Fiasco
2. Gulf Disaster
3. Extended Life Health care
4. ???


Ken Leebow

P.S. Thanks for the Trader Joe's product recommendation. I'm a Trader Joe's fanatic! TJ's helped me lose 30 pounds and get healthy. I do have a Trader Joe's shopping list for anyone who is interested:

raye lankford

This article was heartbreaking. It made me sit down with my husband and have "that talk" about a day that now seems oh so far away, but for all we know could be right around the corner. Thanks for sharing.

Peggy McLoughlin

You might be interested in this link to an article that appeared in the July 5th Boston Globe in which Loren Fishman is cited:


The Healthy Librarian

Thanks for the Boston Globe article--very interesting, and I especially liked the part about Dr. Fishman! Inspiring, too!

Katy Butler

Dear medical librarian -- sorry, I don't seem to be able to find your name this time! I am touched by your family story, and by your comments and those of your readers. Thank you for posting a link to my article. It has been widely circulated and may some good. Warmly, Katy Butler.

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