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« Week Two on Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's Heart Disease Prevention/Reversal Diet Challenge. The Rules, Tips, and Tricks to Enjoy Plant-Based Oil-Free Eating | Main | Everyone Can Do This! Breakfast & Lunch on the Esselstyn Plant-Based No-Oil Diet Challenge. Fast, Hearty, Healthy and Delicious. »

July 06, 2010



I'm struggling a bit to find a decent substitute for the lovely wraps and whole wheat bread since I have celiac - I used to LOVE all the Ezekiel products but can't find a good fat-free, gluten-free substitute.

Other than THAT, this all is very inspiring - I got Dr. Esselstyn's book a few weeks ago and have been inching my way in - these posts have been wonderfully helpful! Keep up the good work!

Sheila Sullivan

Your family is beautiful!! Please post the recipes, they look delicious!! Thank are such an inspiration!


Good for you! I look forward to your lasagna recipe.


Excellent post and lovely pictures!

I particularly liked the one with the young gentleman holding the baby :-)

P.S: Will you be having another cholesterol test at the end of your trial?

Donna McFarland

RECIPES, please? Beautiful piece & photo's! This is so powerfully helpful in changing the way we do things,-we just need to know HOW! Thank you!

Jane Munro

I beg you, please, where are the recipes for the dishes on this page?

Healthy Librarian

Sorry everyone--I intended to add the recipes, but just ran out of time. I'll do it on my next day off, when I can post!

Amy Jeffrey

Thank you for all your encouragement. My husband and I have been trying whole grain, plant based for 2 months. Now trying to move more towards Esselstein's way. Any thoughts, recipes, encouragements for helping my kids to adjust to new food changes (they are almost 7, almost 5 and 21 months). Two love green smoothies, the other I have to encourage a lot. Looking for baked items, snacks, and entrees. Any help would be appreciated. Love your blog.


Your family is gorgeous, and so is your food! I can't wait to try some of these recipes, especially the pancakes, baked fries, & chipotle burgers. I'm also eager to try the wrap filling minus the wrap since I'm not a fan of tortillas (not even the sprouted kind :-(). Have you considered making your own hummus? It's super easy & doesn't take long!

shirley allen

I am looking for reearch related to this diet and what kind of long term effects it has on the Dr. is a vegetarian, but she believes some oils are essential to maintain/support brain health....???

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