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September 06, 2010


cynthia bailey md

Berries and the brain-I love it! I'm sitting here with a big bowl of them, like every morning. My garden has really kicked them out this year. I have bags of them in the freezer for winter too. I eat them every morning with freshly ground flax seeds and just a little goat yogurt. I never thought of them in the context of my brain's housekeeping. Thanks for the 'heads up'.


i went to my local asian market and found a multitude of black rices -- though i'm wondering if they all have the same healthful properties. some were 'glutinous', others were 'sweet', and yet another was called 'purple' (although it looked just like the glutinous black.
any thoughts?

Chris G.

Praise for the Healthy Librarian.

I am a 40 yr old male who thought he was healthy. Exercised 5x/wk including running a marathon, ate a healthy mix of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Ate fruit / veggies every day. Despite this 'healthy lifestyle', I watched my cholesterol levels gradually rise above 200 during my thirties. This was a concern, as my one grandfather died at age 49 of a heart attack and my other grandfather got to a cholesterol level of 400 before succumbing to various GI-attacks and a stroke. During the past two years of reading this blog, I've gradually learned about and incorporated the concepts of eating a primarily plant-based diet, cutting most all animal products, and many other useful and important tidbits. I recently discovered that concurrent with making these changes, my cholesterol count dropped to 150, the lowest its ever been recorded.

I am grateful for the Healthy Librarian and her wonderful blog.


Yay, Chris!

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