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« Bill Clinton is Doing His Own Plant-Based Diet Experiment to Reverse His Heart Disease! Credits Esselstyn, Ornish & Campbell | Main | Wolf Blitzer's Interview with Bill Clinton's Diet Gurus, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr. Dean Ornish - What the Interview Didn't Have Time to Explain about How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease with a Plant-Based Diet »

September 21, 2010


terrific post. Thank you. And Congratuations on your successes. Very inspiring!

Healthy Librarian


Thank you so much! It's so exciting to me to have just heard that Bill Clinton is also conducting he own "experiment" and also reaping the benefits.

Mary Jo

Thank you for doing what you do. Love your posts and all the information you share. I never miss reading your knowledge. You are very inspiring. I wish I lived in a CALERIE study city. I would be the perfect candidate. Now I just need to figure out how to do it on my own.


I think that if eating healthy was as convenient as going to the drive-thru or the vending machine, patient compliance would skyrocket. Unfortunately, though, salad bars seem to be disappearing, so it's hard to create a healthy meal on the run.

Chris G.

It seems there are two interactive factors which need further exploration when it comes to calorie restriction:
1. Exercise has a plethora or health benefits. Exercise leads to enhanced caloric intake. High caloric intake leads to disease. The centrist would say everything in moderation, but there are some real contradictions here.

2. Low caloric intake reduces the incident of disease. People who reduce calories generally obtain a body weight which is 'below average'. Multiple carefully conducted epidemiological studies have shown that people who have a 'below average' body weight for their size have a shorter life span than average and even overweight individuals.

As someone who is considered underweight and exercises vigorously, I'd love to know the answers, but I'd guess we're decades away from figuring it all out.

Kim Cornman

I'm wondering when the CALERIE study is going to be available - like Dean Ornish and Caldwell Esselstyn - on our local bookshelf. It is helpful to read more about these studies, and also to get real help in how to implement such changes in your own life.

I love that Rip Esselstyn has a website and support groups, etc. Especially with people like Clinton starting to eat "plant strong" what a change this could make in the nation's health! One of the biggest things for the participants in this study is that they were part of a group and had support from nutritionists, et al, AND EACH OTHER. Remembering that your body size depends in part on your social circle!

Healthy Librarian

I agree Chris--exercise has powerful benefits, and it can increase caloric intake. But, the point of CR is to be aware of what you're eating, and eat the most nutrient-dense foods, that usually are also the least caloric.

Sounds like you are a prime example of this practice. I'd say my husband and my sons are too. Their weights are stable, very lean, and they are avid exercisers.

Your point about lower weight being associated with lower life span is also true in the most general sense--considering malnutrition and historically, those that had the most to eat were the healthiest.

But this is a different story. Even the people of Crete about whom the Mediterranean Diet was first written, were consuming lower calories of nutrient dense food along with working hours of physical labor. That's different than working hard and living on a meager diet.

It's a different story when you have the luxury and knowledge to choose to eat foods that are nutrient-dense. The point also made in the Milken video is that there's a difference in health between people who are lean with good muscle mass, and people who are underweight & haven't maintained muscle mass. Exercise & nutrient-dense food.

I think the combo of diet & exercise is undoubtedly the best. But there's still lots more to be discovered.

Dr. Luigi Fontana has compared lipid & glucose levels of lean exercisers with those who practice caloric restriction, and with those eating a Western Diet. Here are the links. and


Could you please share the recipes for the foods shown in the picture at the top of this post? Thanks!

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