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September 28, 2010


Carol Stephanson

Delighted to see your favourites - there's a soup from Veganomicon that's known in our house as "the yummy soup", on page 138. The sum total of the flavour is greater than its parts, somehow. It has almost a buttery taste, and I'm not really sure why it's so delicious, but I highly recommend it.. We use Vogue Vege Base powder to make the broth (just one TBS), and no oil at all. I also add a can of white beans to increase the protein.

Thanks again for all the great posts!

Cynthia Bailey MD

I really appreciate that you've taken these books out for a test run. I've been looking for good low oil vegan cookbooks and the Veganomicon and Neal Barnard recipes look so good. I tend to just wing-it in the kitchen, blessed as I am to have a big veggie garden, but I love cooking beyond my imagination and need inspiration every so often. These ought to do it.

Cynthia Bailey MD

Betty Amer

Thanks for some of your favorite recipes and cookbooks. I enjoy your evidence-based posts immensely (as a Registered Dietitian who used to live in Cleveland Heights, and was familiar with Dr. Esselstyn's work).
The cookbook I turn to most often is Vegan Planet by Robin Robertson. Recipes are easily adapted by omitting oil, for instance (although I've not yet reached that point). I've made more than two dozen of her recipes, including Portobello Fajitas, Red Bean and Sweet Potato Curry, and Black Bean Croquettes with Yellow Pepper Coulis.

Emily Elizabeth

My favorite addition to chili is a can of drained hominy. I've found (through many attempts at vegan-izing my favorite chili recipe) that it adds the right amount of chewiness which is essential for texture. Love your site!

Healthy Librarian


Thanks for the soup recipe suggestion from Veganomicon. I must made it & it's delicious. BTW, everyone, it's called, Broccoli-Potato Soup with Fresh Herbs (Hope I made the right one)--and the fresh herbs are mint & dill + dried tarragon) I took your suggestion & added a can of beans for extra protein.

Thanks, Cynthia for your show of appreciation; Betty for your cookbook suggestion--which I hope to test-drive via a library copy--those recipes sound right up my taste alley; and Emily E. for you suggestion of hominy--never tried it before, but it sounds like a good chewiness substitute.

raye lankford

Hey, thanks for the cookbook recommendations! It's as if you read my mind. We have a fantastic vegan cafe in our hometown, and every time I eat there I think, "If I knew how to make food like this, I'd have no problem eating this way on a daily basis." I keep telling her she should come out with a cookbook. But in the meantime, I'll try one of these.


I was surprised to see the cooking oil spray in some of the recipes. So you can use a little oil on your diet?

Healthy Librarian

Hi Betsy,

I sort of adlib a bit--but not too much, since I am following this diet for health & prevention--not as a heart disease patient.

I do not saute anything with cooking spray, and rarely use it. But my husband used a little bit to help brown & "secure" the crumbs to the baked potato wedge "croutons" for the Baked Potatoe Chard Chowder--and Dr. Barnard suggested using some so the Tortilla casserole wouldn't stick to the bottom of the pie pan.

In that case, it probably would be fine without the spray.

I don't spray my sweet potato fries--but I was putting that option out there for others, who want to cook without oil, but still make a healthier version.

I can see many benefits from cutting out oil--and certainly, for others who aren't interested in going that strict of a route--just cutting it down significantly is better than nothing.


Just about my favorite recipe ever is from Vegan With a Vengeance, the Punk Rock Chick Pea Gravy. Again, it is easy to saute the onions without oil.



There is a pot of All American Chili simmering on my stove right now. I can tell it's going to be delicious!

Since you like spicy food I recommend Vegan Fire and Spice by Robin Robertson. I'm liking spicy foods more and more all the time.

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