Adam & Lisa's Wedding held at the Angel Orensanz Foundation--the former Ansche Chesed Synagogue Built in 1849 in New York City's Lower East Side
Ansche Chesed means "People of Loving Kindness"
"May you be as kind to each other in the years ahead--as you are today! The secret of a good marriage is simple: Be kind to each other!"
-The Father of the Groom-
If you've received this via email, click here to get to the web version. Lots of links & photos.
November has been an amazing month filled with the blessings of family, friends, good health, learning, adventure, travel, dancing, singing, delicious food, and laughter.
If you've wondered why I haven't posted much--it's because I've hardly had a chance.
- November 9. Heard Peter Lovenheim speak about his book: In the Neighborhood: The Search for Community on an American Street, One Sleepover at a Time. A not-be-missed memoir with a message for all of us--get to know your neighbors--they'll enrich your life. Read his New York Times essay to learn why.
- November 10. A long overdue mah jongg game and "who-would-have-thought-possible-a-year-ago" plant-based potluck dinner with the gal pals--featuring a guest appearance from our dear friend "Nashville Fran".
- November 12-14. A three day learning and plant-based eating extravaganza at the Wellness Forum's Fall Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Mark Messina, a noted expert on soy; Dr. Amy Lanou, a nutrition scientist with expertise in bone health; Chef Del and Chef AJ, experts in delicious plant-based cooking. You'll have to wait until Nov. 30th to hear all about it! I've got fantastic recipes, cooking tips, plus news to share about the safety and benefits of soy, and how diet & exercise affect bone health.
- November 18-21. The New York City wedding of Adam & Lisa, held at the Angel Orensanz Foundation. Adam's the son of my husband's college roommate--and my college roommate--our friends for 42 years. The wedding was a reunion of college friends and family, and my oldest son, who's a rabbi, co-officiated. What could be sweeter? My son co-officiating at the wedding of his friend--who just happens to be the son of our long-time frIends. It was a weekend filled with everything that makes you happy to be alive--family, friends, laughter, tears of joy, lots of sunshine, music, dancing, conversation, exploring New York City and the Lower East Side.
- November 25-29. Thanksgiving will be in St. Louis with my children, my gorgeous grandson, my sister, brother-in-law, nieces, and nephew. And yes, I'm going to enjoy some pastured (grass-fed) kosher Heritage turkey, and my sister's award-winning Classical Cookies!
November 2010: Putting into Practice of My Strategy for Staying Out-of-Trouble After Sixty
When I turned 60 in January 2010, I came up with twelve guidelines that I figured would serve me well if I wanted to enjoy a happy healthy life after 60. Here are the top 7 that combined to make this November a stand-out!
- Stick with 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Check out the "hot-off-the-press" pre-publication of the Archives of Internal Medicine article that just may convince you that getting 7-9 v's & f's is a wise daily strategy. Click here for the article or here for the press release. The study followed 15,318 participants for 14 years and found that high alpha-carotene consumption from fruits & vegetables corresponds to a lower risk of dying from all causes, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Those with the highest consumption of alpha-carotene had the lowest risk of death from all causes. But here's the catch: alpha-carotene is obtained from fruits & vegetables, not from supplements. Think carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash, broccoli, and dark leafy greens.
- A balanced exercise plan. Yep, it's a lot easier to follow this plan when I'm home--and much harder to do when traveling. With no gym in New York City we walked across the long Williamsburg Bridge and back, trekked all over the Lower East Side, the Upper East Side, and danced for at least four plus hours on Saturday night.
- A plant-based diet with minimal added fat. When we hosted our book club on November 6th we served all low-fat and plant-based fare. The usual cheese, crackers, nuts, cookies, soda pop, ice cream, and cakes that are so easy to shop for and lay out, are now history at my house. Instead, we served Red Lentil Mulligatawney Soup topped with Granny Smith Apple Cilantro Salsa, chocolate chip pumpkin and blueberry muffins, raw chocolate walnut chia bars, a spicy curried Indian spinach dip with lavash, sparkling waters, and Pinot Noir. The Columbus Wellness Conference we attended was all about no-added oil and plant-based fare, and while in New York City we had a chance to visit BabyCakes Vegan Bakery, the award-winning Candle 79 vegan restaurant, and a hole-in-the-wall vegan joint called Tiengarden Vegan Restaurant, where we enjoyed broccoli, carrots, kale, soy bean curd in spicy black bean sauce served over black rice and quinoa.
- No time urgency. Wherever we went this month we built in extra-time for traffic, subway, and plane delays. Instead of arriving in Manhattan at 5:00 pm on Friday, at the start of the official NYC 10 days of holiday gridlock, we started our drive a half-day earlier than originally planned, so we could arrive at noon on Friday. Negotiating the Holland Tunnel and the Lower East Side in a stick-shift Subaru is not my idea of fun--but with the help of a GPS and maps we made it without a NYC driving meltdown, or getting lost. In spite of the many sights and people I wanted to see I tried to resist my usual urge to overpack my days. Not always possible to do. I usually think I can pack in way more than I actually can.
- More Dancing, Singing, Laughing, Playing, Schmoozing, and Mahjing. Yes--that's exactly as I wrote it in January 2010, and November 2010 may go down in history as a month of DOING IT ALL--in spades!!
- Cultivate my garden of friends and family (OK I admit, this sounds so corny--but it's true). I missed some of the key players in my life this month--like our Florida clan--but because of a lucky combination of circumstances I got a chance to see so many of both my local & out-of-town family & friends. A November wedding and Thanksgiving certainly helped to make it happen!
- Once You're Through Learning--You're Through. No doubt about it, this November has been jam-packed with learning opportunities. Hearing Peter Lovenheim speak; attending a wellness grand rounds at work on Nov. 10 with Dr. Tom Morledge lecturing about Nutraceuticals; attending the Wellness Forum Fall Conference with Dr. Mark Messina, Dr. Amy Lanou, Chef AJ & Chef Del; hearing Dr. Susan Love discuss breast cancer and bone health on the People's Pharmacy; reading dozens of articles and book chapters; and experimenting with a number of new recipes. Lots to share when this November rush ends, and December begins. Stay tuned!
Four or Five Hours of High-Energy Dancing & Singing with Friends & Family at Angel Orensanz
Healthy Book Club Treats--Chocolate-Chip Pumpkin Oat Muffins without Added Oil or Sugar
Red Lentil Mulligatwney with Granny Smith Cilantro Salsa--Served at Book Club
Three Hours Before the Wedding - The Groom & His Mom
My Sons, Daughter-in-law, and Husband
The Fam, Minus the Photographer, Son #2
The Bride and Groom
The "Boys" at their Annual Black Moshannon Camping Trip--that's the Groom on the Right, his Brother & Best Man on the Left, and My "Boys" in the Middle
What Could Be Better? Your Kids Grow Up and Are Friends with Your Friends' Kids--Oops! Missing the Bride & Groom
Lunch at the Award-Winning NYC Vegan Restaurant--Candle 79
Candle 79's Black Bean Pumpkin Seed Burger with Caramelized Onion, Chipotle Ketchup, and Polenta Fries
Chef A J's Amazing German Chocolate Cake Filled with Chocolate Tofu Mousse and Made without Sugar, White Flour, or Oil
Our College Roommates--Our Friends for 42 Years--and Parents of the Groom
Dr. Amy Lanou Speaking about Bone Health at the Fall Wellness Conference
Part Plant-Based No-Sugar No-Oil Pastry Chef, and Part Stand-up Comedian, LA's Chef A.J.
Enjoying the Lectures and the Food at the Fall Wellness Conference
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Day filled with healthy delicious home-cooked food, family, friends, laughter, engaging conversations, and plenty of time for a nap!
My Wedding Wishes for Everyone:
- Outrageous & memorable adventures
- Wonderful friends
- Good health
- Work that you're passionate about
- Enough of life's challenges to make you stronger, wiser, and kinder
- Kids who are above average, sleep through the night, are easy-going and lots of fun
- The gift of balancing your life, your work and your family
- Enough money to feel both secure and generous. Not so much that you become out-of-touch & spoiled. (The economy has certainly made this an unlikely prospect!)
- The knowledge that it's your friends, family & experiences that will bring you your greatest joys. Invest your time and money accordingly.
To Life, To Life, L'Chaim, Be Happy, Be Healthy, Long Life!
What a joyous posting Deb! It was such fun to see all your photos and hear all about your busy month. It's been almost a year since I've discovered your blog and it's something I am quite grateful for. You have helped to clarify, to explain, to teach, to support and to guide me towards a healthier lifestyle. As my grandfather used to say in Yiddish... "a laiben of dein kopf" - a blessing on your head!
Posted by: Gael in Vermont | November 23, 2010 at 03:14 PM
Great post! I enjoyed reading about your great month and seeing it through pictures. We're grateful for you!
Did you erase your photos from your camera? I hope not! I will opt out of the food ones, but would love copies of the wedding. Travel safely. Your grandson is jumping up and down to see you!
Your DIL
Posted by: Daughter in Law | November 24, 2010 at 05:57 AM
This is so crazy--I always erase the photos as soon as I download them--this time I didn't! We're jumping up & down to see "the boychik", too. Can't wait.
Posted by: Healthy Librarian | November 24, 2010 at 07:43 AM
Thanks for sharing your JOY!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: jeann | November 24, 2010 at 09:32 AM
Sounds like fun.
I happened to be in NYC on the 21st (and 16th)...I wonder if we crossed paths?
Have we seen the recipes for the muffins and Mulligatwney? Looks tasty!
Posted by: Chris G. | November 24, 2010 at 03:40 PM
Hey Chris,
Probably missed each other, unless you were on the lower East Side Sunday morning--we left NYC on Sun. the 21st around 11 am. Would have been fun to meet up! Haven't posted the muffins yet--they're so good--and the Mulligatwney I posted almost 3 years ago--but have now cut out the olive oil, and replaced the coconut milk with a hemp milk/coconut extract combo--works just fine. So good. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!
Posted by: Healthy Librarian | November 24, 2010 at 04:00 PM
Back in the 80's I had friends who were involved in renovating Ansche Chesed in NY. When I first looked at your pictures, I was amazed at the coincidence and at the incredible renovation they seemed to have managed. Then I realized your temple was on the Lower East Side, and my friends' was on the Upper West. :)
Anyway gorgeous pictures of both the building and the people within. It's wonderful that your friends' kids are also friends!
Posted by: Barbara | November 25, 2010 at 06:25 PM
I want to grow up to be just like you. Your enthusiasm and energy for so many diverse experiences is truly inspiring. No wonder I have admired and loved you for 42 years.
The Mother of the Groom
Posted by: babs | November 26, 2010 at 08:00 AM