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November 23, 2010


Gael in Vermont

What a joyous posting Deb! It was such fun to see all your photos and hear all about your busy month. It's been almost a year since I've discovered your blog and it's something I am quite grateful for. You have helped to clarify, to explain, to teach, to support and to guide me towards a healthier lifestyle. As my grandfather used to say in Yiddish... "a laiben of dein kopf" - a blessing on your head!

Daughter in Law

Great post! I enjoyed reading about your great month and seeing it through pictures. We're grateful for you!

Did you erase your photos from your camera? I hope not! I will opt out of the food ones, but would love copies of the wedding. Travel safely. Your grandson is jumping up and down to see you!
Your DIL

Healthy Librarian


This is so crazy--I always erase the photos as soon as I download them--this time I didn't! We're jumping up & down to see "the boychik", too. Can't wait.


Thanks for sharing your JOY!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Chris G.

Sounds like fun.

I happened to be in NYC on the 21st (and 16th)...I wonder if we crossed paths?

Have we seen the recipes for the muffins and Mulligatwney? Looks tasty!

Healthy Librarian

Hey Chris,

Probably missed each other, unless you were on the lower East Side Sunday morning--we left NYC on Sun. the 21st around 11 am. Would have been fun to meet up! Haven't posted the muffins yet--they're so good--and the Mulligatwney I posted almost 3 years ago--but have now cut out the olive oil, and replaced the coconut milk with a hemp milk/coconut extract combo--works just fine. So good. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!


Back in the 80's I had friends who were involved in renovating Ansche Chesed in NY. When I first looked at your pictures, I was amazed at the coincidence and at the incredible renovation they seemed to have managed. Then I realized your temple was on the Lower East Side, and my friends' was on the Upper West. :)

Anyway gorgeous pictures of both the building and the people within. It's wonderful that your friends' kids are also friends!



I want to grow up to be just like you. Your enthusiasm and energy for so many diverse experiences is truly inspiring. No wonder I have admired and loved you for 42 years.
The Mother of the Groom

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