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« Lose That Terrible Horrible Inflammatory Disease-Causing Visceral Belly Fat with Whole Grains? Tufts Researchers Say It Helps! | Main | Dr. David Jenkins Finds Monounsaturated Fats - Like Olive and Canola Oils or Nuts - Raise HDLs and Boost Heart Health. There's More to the Story »

November 02, 2010



Another super informative post! I love pizza (and kale) so I especially liked this one. How fun that you could have the Esselstyns over for dinner!


Whoa. Now they're your personal friends? I am so jealous. Bad enough you just posted a picture of your beautiful 25-year-old self with those two handsome young studs; now you're having dinner with my heros.

But really, congratulations. These pictures look so good and I bet a great time was had by all.

(Your doctor knows about Esselstyn and recommends no oil? Amazing. The majority of doctors I go to wonder where I get my protein.)


William Kruidenier

Cool post, Debby. Did the E's eat the pizza with the Field Roast sausage (w/ saff oil) included?


I agree the world's healthiest foods website is very fun and a terrific resource. If you have not done it yet try the "Foods Advisor" quiz on the site. Take it with a grain of salt as all these sorts of things but it's easy and fun. You plug in age, gender, and answer to foods frequency quiz and then you get results in order of % likelihood of what nutrients you might be deficient in, then foods high in those nutrients in order of number of those nutrients, then recipes with those foods in order of number of indicated foods. Each result is a link so you can click on a nutrient, this is the really fun part. For example I was likely deficient in Riboflavin (B2) so I could click on that and see foods highest in B2, functions in the body, symptoms of deficiency etc.
I am a Naturopathic Physician (involves 4 years of naturopathic medical school which is extremely heavy in nutrition) and a lifelong foodie and I learned quite a bit.

sugar pie

Not to be a spoilsport, but you (and the Esselstyns) might be interested to know that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in millet is about 17 to 1! I think that probably outweighs any benefits gained from the product being oil free... Wild rice, on the other hand, looks pretty awesome with a ratio of about 0.8!!!

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