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December 11, 2010



Thank you!! And thanks to Isa! I've been looking for one cookbook that I can stick with and cook my way through while doing no-fat, no animal, gluten free. It sounds like this is it!
TIme for a Christmas gift for myself :)


So what did you make for main dishes to the other two parties? And how were the black bean brownies? How long did that cooking marathon take the two of you: 3 main dishes, bean balls, brownies and pumpkin muffins. Sounds like a hugely satisfying productive evening.
Also in reference to another post I've been making the pumpkin steel cut oats and recommended it to a patient. I am using the organic pumpkin from Tj's and was wondering why you opted for Libby's. Does it taste better?

Gael in Vermont

Gee...I just figured out how to pronounce Veganomicon! This one sounds easier and looks delish! Can't wait to try it out.


Yup - one for me too!


This book (and your photos!) looks amazing! Great post, as always! :)


Thanks for the good news, great recipe and photos. For my partner and me, both with AIDS and some old-fashioned AIDS wasting, I have to wish the book's title didn't promise (threaten) weight loss. Not quite everyone who wants to eat healthy also wants to lose weight-- my cholesterol and triglycerides as low as anyone could wish, but at 5'7 and 112 lbs, I'd rather gain weight than lose it. (My HIV doc would MUCH rather I gain than lose.) I'll buy the book-- can't hold out for the definitive volume on plant-based, no-oil eating for weight gain(!) Any tips, though?

Brenda Stevens

I never buy cookbooks because they never have new information...I'm BUYING THIS ONE! I've been trying to figure out how to combine healthful eating, satiety, delicious taste, convenience, at a reasonable cost and felt overwhelmed by it all. Perfect! I'm heading out to Powell's today. Thanks!


I now have the cookbook and it does look wonderful - I'm ready to cook!! But I'm curious about your comments about no added oil - almost all of the recipes I've looked at so far use 1 to 2 teaspoons (and in several cases, a tablespoon) of olive oil. And tahini and cashews. A bit more fat than I expected ...


Happy New Year to you!

Can't wait to hear more about Messina's research on Soy. I'll probably start googling in a minute though and read all I can.

I'll email you and give you an update as I have a question about something else.

Here's to a wonderful and healthy 2011!

Sheila Baker

So far these are the recipes I have made more than 4-5 times:
1)sauteed kasha and mushrooms with dill (it makes a nice change from my jazzed up oatmeal)
2) garlicky mushrooms and kale -- I add big white or red beans.
3) eggplant chickpea curry
4) stewed and sauteed collards (I add quinoa)
5) potato spinach curry (I use lemon juice instead of lime)
6) ginger bok choy and soba

I also use the Vegan Planet cookbook
I've just made my first veggie burger baked in oven with zucchini, mushrooms and non-oily TJ's sun-dried tomatoes.
I invent my own recipes ALL THE TIME.


I bought a Misto many years ago to reduce waste and costs. I just add my own oil, pump it a few times, and spray lightly.

My favorite cookbook still is, "Lower your Fat Thermostat". I like "Easy Beans" too. I bought "The Enchanted Broccoli Forest" and hated it. The font was awful and the recipes weird for this Midwestern. The very features you mentioned are the things I look for in a cookbook. I like healthy recipes with easily accessible, often used ingredients. Nothing worse than searching for ingredients, use them once, and then they sit on the shelf expiring. I have about 20 items in my cupboards, and if I can't use them, I'm not interested.

Neal Barnard started a new 21-Day Kickoff starting 9/5 online.

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