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December 04, 2010



"1 teaspoon marjoram or Mexican oregano (epazote)"

Epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides) is not oregano -- mexican or otherwise. Doesn't taste at all like either kind of oregano. Tastes like squashed ants according to a local New Mexico chef. It is a common weed in Mexico.

Mexican Oregano (Lippia graveolens) is a different plant from European Oregano with a different flavor

Marjoram (Origanum majorana)is a relative of European Oregano (Origanum vulgare). Both are in the mint family.


One can substitute Mexican Oregano for European Oregano, but they are different. And you can substitute Marjoram for European Oregano, they are very similar.
But epazote should not be substituted for Oregano. It is a completely different plant and you may or may not like it. It is commonly used to flavor pinto beans in Mexico, but one chef was asked what the most disappointing herb he had ever encountered and he said epazote.
I just thought you would be interested.

Healthy Librarian

Thanks so much this Michelle! I have no idea about Mexican oregano or Epazote--it's just what Isa Chandra Moskowitz wrote in her recipe. My husband used Marjoram in his recipe---and it tasted great. It's not a recipe we use very much, though. Appreciate your heads-up. Don't think I'd ever try Epazote now.


Love the Maccabeats!

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