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« Take a Trip Back to 1960 and Meet "Mr. Cholesterol" - Ancel Keys - the Man Who Figured Out That Fat & Cholesterol Contribute to Heart Disease | Main | The Healthy Librarian's Holiday Overindulgence Tool Box: Some Abstinence Inspiration, the Exercise Cure, a Holiday Video, a Company-Worthy Recipe, along with Sara Moulton's Favorite Chocolate (coronary) Cookie Recipe »

December 19, 2010


Ken Leebow

Thanks for the info. I have been accumulating health-oriented quotes and one of my favorites is ...

It’s much easier to do prevention than treatment. - Dr. Michael Roizen

It's so simple and makes a lot of sense.

And here's a few more that I have enjoy ...

Happy New Year,

Ken Leebow

Chris G.

Wow! One of the best posts here. The silencing cancer gene activity through diet! If confirmed, this would mark one of the more remarkable medical breakthroughs of our time.

I note the link to the paper goes to the Cleveland Clinic rather than to PubMed and thus did not yield the abstract or citation.

One sentence above did not make sense to me: "When sugar gets inside of a protein called "phosphokinase-3", it weakens it, causing a rift or tear between the cells that line our arteries." I know what phosphokinases are and do, but the mechanism by which a sugar gets in a protein or weakens it and how the tear between the cells occurs is not clear.

Regardless, I repeat: Great post. Transformative discoveries!

Chris G.

As a follow up, having now read the paper I am a full believer, and really surprised. I had only been aware of the linkage between diet and GI cancers (e.g. colon). Its remarkable to see something like prostate cancer responding to life style and diet changes too, particularly at the gene expression level. This looks like a cure for prostate cancer.

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