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« The Oatmeal Breakfast of Champions - Spiced Pumpkin Steel Cut Oats with Berries and Chia - Loading up on Avenanthramides, Omega-3s, Fiber, and Anti-oxidants | Main | A New Oil-Free Chanukah Tradition: "Enlightened" Veganomicon Potato and Kale Enchiladas with Roasted Chile Sauce - And a New Dreidel Spin on the Miracle of Oil on Chanukah - Make One Day's Worth of Oil Last for Eight Days! »

December 03, 2010



Thank you for digging into this. It is so frustrating to wonder about "the agenda" behind some of these studies. Just like the recent study that claimed we don't need additional Vitamin D which is also disappointing and suspected to be flawed. Looking forward to reading your additional comments on this Omega6/Omega 3 controversy.

Chris G.

This new study really puts the pieces together and accounts for many discrepancies regarding Omega 6 paper in Circulation. It is also an interesting narrative in how science can sometimes play out: New confounding facts are revealed to explain prior anomalous results and/or people selectively interpreting results. This is why it is important to not knee jerk to a single, newly published study: Science builds on itself and the interpretation of data evolves as follow-up studies are performed.

Healthy Librarian

Well said Chris! I'm not surprised, coming from a scientist. And good advice. Amazing what one learns when you look closely at the original research, as well. There are often different ways to interpret the data based on who is in the study, how it is set up, compliance, and confounding variables--the conclusions that hit the public aren't necessarily the whole story.

Hank Roberts

Typo in the main post above:

"... My Amateur Apin on Putting ..."

(I think you can fix the text that appears without changing the underlying link, leaving the typo in the link itself to avoid renaming the file)

Aside question -- any problem with using ordinary nonfat powdered milk, versus the pricey oat milk? I can't think of any reason not to keep using it in coffee for example, or oatmeal.

Yeek! from
"the Oslo Diet-Heart Study provided about 5 grams of EPA and DHA per day to the intervention group. (That's equivalent to about 16 fish oil capsules).

Healthy Librarian


I know you're not much for cooking, but a reader sent me this cheapo recipe for homemade oat milk:

As for the word on nonfat milk--well dairy has it's own problems, like an association with prostate cancer. Dr. T. Colin Campbell also found that milk protein (casein) could turn cancer cells on & off in lab animals.

So... when it comes to nonfat milk, once you take out the fat, you actually up the milk protein.

Re non-fat dairy: "As fat's taken out--the protein becomes a larger portion of the total calories of the dairy--making the protein larger than it is in full or 2% dairy. And apparently, it's not just dairy "fat" that's the bad boy--dairy protein is also a troublemaker. When researchers looked at the relationship between high fat & low-fat dairy with prostate cancer--the relationship was as strong as it is for the relationship between cigarette smoking & lung cancer. Didn't matter if it was low, non, or high fat--it was the dairy." paraphrase of what Dr. T. Colin Campbell says in the upcoming documentary "Forks Over Knives"

As for dairy--aside from the fact that it's food for calves, many of us (like me) don't digest lactose well at all. Digestive discomfort.

Thanks for the proof-reading expertise.

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