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December 29, 2010


Gerard Salomon

Wow! Thank you for today's article. I learned a lot from your webside.



Thomas Swanson

No Coffee:( *sniff*

but I love coffee.... one of my few remaining vices.. That, and maybe a few too many beers on game day...

I already follow Dr. McDougall's diet.

Healthy Librarian

Thanks, Gerard! Happy New Year!

I love my morning coffee, too! No plans to give it up, either. Same for a little red wine! If you're following McDougall, I'm sure you'd have an A+ colonoscopy.

Ken Leebow

Thanks for another angle on health and health care.

Maybe we need a new diet book: The Colon Diet - I haven't seen that one yet, but I'm sure it's out there.

BTW, have you ever done a review if the Paleo Diet? I'm fascinated by the followers passion, support and dedication to it.

Happy New Year,

Ken Leebow


Fantastic find. Thank you! I have requested the book from my own library...which thankfully does not have a waiting list. It is also available on Amazon.

Cynthia Bailey MD, Dermatologist

I always value the observations of senior physicians who have watchfully internalized the correlations between their physical exam findings and their patient's life experience. Even if their conclusions are more intuitive than we like to see in our western scientific culture, I value them. To see these observations based on peoples intestinal mucosal integrity is fascinating. I'm with him almost 100% in my own observations of people's skin findings. I am surprised about the tea and yogurt though and am going to have to think about those. I'm a big fan of goat kefir and other non-cow dairy fermented foods. I'm a big green tea fan too. Hmm.

Once again, thank you for finding this fascinating material and getting it in front of me. Happy New Year!

William Kruidenier

Fabulous post, Debby -- I've ordered his book (also his The Microbe Factor). Regardless of the lack of documentation, I will definitely trust the views of a man who has looked at 300,000 GI tracks! With his age and his experience comes a "gut" (sorry) feel for what works and what doesn't in the human body. Thanks for furnishing this info!

Chris G.

Very interesting nuggets indeed. Without the scientific precision behind it, its hard to know which aspects to put the most stock in. But as the Healthy Librarian points out, most aspects are entirely consistent with a plant-based diet. One correction of his facts: "Fish of any type, but preferably small fish as the large fish contain mercury." Its more the position in the food web than the size of the fish that dictates the mercury content. Top trophic predator fish such as swordfish, tuna, and shark are loaded with mercury and should be eaten as a small serving no more than 1x per week. DHA-rich salmon is very low in mercury as it feeds toward the lower end of the ocean food chain. Happy New Year.

Healthy Librarian

RE the fish: Chris G. knows what he's talking about! He's a professor of aquatic studies--with a specialty in aquatic biogeochemistry & phytoplankton. He knows his stuff.

Dr. Bailey, thanks for your professional perspective. I wish I'd had more time to include some more of Dr. Shinya's extensive observations--it's worth taking a look at his book.

Thanks, William--after 300,000 GI tracts he's formed some strong opinions. Let me know what you think of his latest book.


Okay, I'm finally convinced to drop the nonfat dry milk powder.
Sigh. It was so cheap compared to the oat/soy/rice-milk products.

These folks go through some of the labels:

Their summing up on milk substitutes:
"Once you start reading nutrition labels, you will discover that the perfect commercial milk substitute doesn't seem to exist. ... And they are all expensive. ... we make our own .... simple rice milk recipe, which you can easily make in the blender."

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