The Healthy Librarian's Savory "Cheezy" Breakfast Oatmeal with Shiitake Mushrooms, Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Spinach
"Eat salad at as many meals as possible, even breakfast!"
-Ann Esselstyn, in "Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease"-
Anthony Yen, one of Dr. Esselstyn's original patients. Here, at age 81, at a Whole Foods/Engine 2 event, May 2010
"Cheezy" oats for breakfast? Have I really gone off the deep end? Probably--but let me explain how I got this crazy notion.
About four weeks ago, I ran into Dr. Esselstyn at the gym. He was headed in to go swimming--I was heading out to get to work. We had a mile-a-minute discussion about walnuts, nitric oxide, greens, alpha-carotenes & oatmeal. He told me how much he liked my post about that little-known antioxidant in oats--avenanthramide--and its beneficial effect on our blood vessels .
Turns out, according to Dr. Mohsen Meydani, the "oat expert" at the USDA-Agricultural Research Vascular Biology Lab at Tufts University, oats help prevent atherosclerosis by increasing artery-saving nitric oxide production in the endothelium or lining of our arteries. That's the "magic gas" that keeps the arteries relaxed and dilated. And it's a dose-response--the more avenanthramides you eat, the greater the nitric oxide production. The dose-response thing--that's the part of my post that really grabbed Dr. Esselstyn's attention. More oats=more nitric oxide!
To read the whole post about Oatmeal: The Breakfast of Champions click here.
The two new take-aways I learned in our morning conversation:
- Esselstyn noticed that his own cholesterol decreased about 8-10% when he started eating oatmeal after dinner, as a kind of dessert--and he always uses oat milk with his oats. As crazy as it sounds, oat milk is really delicious, and it's a staple in our pantry.
- Ideally, we should aim to include greens in our diet about 6 times a day--to get a regular nitric-oxide boost! And it looks like oats are a pretty good stand for greens in the nitric oxide boosting-department.
Here's why the Mayo Clinic says nitric oxide is important for the brain.
Here's why it's important for the heart.
I hadn't known about the 6 times a day recommendation for greens. So let's see how it can play out:
- Morning oatmeal--topped with oatmilk (Here's where my new recipe comes in!)
- Mid-morning green smoothie snack
- Lunch time salad &/or meal that includes greens, like a sandwich stuffed with romaine or cilantro
- Mid-afternoon green smoothie snack
- Dinner side salad
- Main meal that includes greens, like a casserole, soup, a side dish--or adding greens to pasta or pizza
- **If you miss one of your six servings, there's always some after-dinner oatmeal for dessert or Mexican hot cocoa made with oat milk (click here for the cocoa recipe)
- Note: Esselstyn isn't a big green smoothie fan--too much fruit--and no chewing. I'm a big fan.
What Does Anthony Yen Have to Do with My "Cheezy" Oatmeal?
Well, Anthony always includes vegetables in his daily oatmeal breakfast! He adds about 3 handfuls of spinach or 2 cups of frozen mixed vegetables and some low-sodium tamari to his morning oats. Don't think so? Not for me? That's what I thought at first, too. I was wrong!
Anthony was one of Dr. Esselstyn's early patients. He had a massive cardiac event on New Year's Eve 1987, followed by a quintuple bypass surgery that left him feeling immobilized, depressed, and hopeless.
Anthony said, "I blamed myself for what I had done to myself. I wanted to know what caused my disease, and how do I stop it." When Anthony told his cardiologist that he wanted to see Dr. Esselstyn, the cardiologist said, "Esselstyn is not a cardiologist. If you go to him, don't come back to see me."
Anthony was furious. "I wanted to get to the cause, and the doctor was so negative. So I fired the cardiologist, and went to Dr. Esselstyn on my own." As Anthony's wife Joseanne explains, "He had no hope. He was willing to do anything." pg. 24-25, Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease.
Anthony's story really came to life for me when I heard him tell it on a preview DVD of Forks Over Knives I saw last spring. His personal experience is both compelling and convincing. Soon after I viewed the DVD, I got to meet him when Rip Esselstyn came to town for a local roll-out of the national Whole Foods' Health Starts Here program. Read all about Whole Foods' down-right-revolutionary approach to a healthy diet-- here.
Is this distinguished gentleman who's brimming with health & vitality really over 80 years old? Was he really once overweight with severe heart disease? He and his wife Joseanne have been eating no-oil & plant-based for 24 years now, and his picture (above) says it all. He's also fantastic in Forks Over Knives!
At the Whole Food s Healthy Start Roll-Out in May 2010. That's me BEFORE I Cut Out Oil, Nuts, Chocolate & Avocados--and lost weight!
My "Cheezy" Savory Breakfast Oatmeal with Shiitake Mushrooms, Sun-Dried Tomatoes & Spinach
In the Pot, Ready to Cook - Doesn't Look a Thing Like My Fave Pumpkin Oatmeal
Anthony & Dr. Esselstyn were my inspiration to find an easy tasty savory breakfast oatmeal with greens. Today, I finally tried out a recipe, and I was happily surprised at the results. Actually, I thought it was fabulous--but that's me. Try it, and let me know what you think.
I'm also looking forward to hearing your suggestions for some other knock-your-socks-off savory seasonings. I'm throwing out the challenge! Greens for Breakfast! A call for recipes.
Honestly, it's kinda of like eating a savory frittata. Oooh--maybe some leftover potatoes, roasted red peppers, or even jalapenos for add-ins. But it's got to be something quick.
Makes 4 servings. Cooking Time: maybe 15 minutes?? Click here for the recipe on one page
My recipe is a variation of "You're So Cheezy" Savoury Oats, from There She Glows.
1 cup of steel cut oats
2 cups of water (you could substitute 1 or 2 cups of vegetable broth for the water)
1 cup of non-dairy milk. I used Eden-brand enriched soy milk
2 TBS. nutritional yeast (this is what gives it the "cheezy taste") It's high in B vitamins--click here
1/4 teaspoon or more of turmeric (this gets it nice & yellow)
1 1/2 tsp. of Bone Suckin' Sauce Seasoning & Rub (This has brown sugar, chili pepper, paprika, garlic, onion, & bell pepper) Could sub any Cajun or Southwest Seasoning you like)
a few grinds of fresh black pepper
a pinch or two of chipotle powder (optional--I like it spicy & use 1/4 teaspoon)
1 oz. of julienned sun-dried tomatoes (I love the brand called California Sun-Dried because they're already julienned, they're nice & soft & need no soaking.)
About a handful (5) dried shiitake mushrooms, broken into pieces & rinsed. Use any dried mushrooms you like.
2 1/2 ounces of fresh baby spinach, rinsed per serving of oatmeal!! I make enough oatmeal for 4 servings & each serving will need to be topped with 2.5 ounces of spinach. (You can substitute kale or any other green, too. Kale just takes longer to soften up)
1. Mix the oats, water, milk (or veggie broth), seasonings, tomatoes, & mushrooms into a pot.
2. Heat to boiling. Watch carefully, and turn it down to a simmer once it starts to boil. Stir occasionally, and check back in about 10 minutes. You'll want the water absorbed, and the oats nice & creamy.
3. When the oats are done, microwave one serving of spinach briefly, until it's soft, but not mushy. Depending upon your microwave this could take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
4. Top one serving of oatmeal with the softened spinach & mix. Enjoy!
5. Store the rest of the oatmeal (3 servings) in the fridge, and in the morning heat up 1 serving topped with the spinach in the microwave.
Check out this powerhouse of a breakfast! A double dose of nitric oxide boosting power from oats & spinach! Crazy how much nutrition is one breakfast bowl!
Nutrition Facts
Healthy Librarian's
Savory "Cheezy" Oats with Greens |
Serving Size: 1 serving
Amount Per Serving | |||||
Calories | 245 | ||||
Total Fat | 3.5g | ||||
Saturated Fat | 0.6g | ||||
Trans Fat | 0g | ||||
Cholesterol | 0mg | ||||
Sodium | 194mg | ||||
Carbohydrate | 50.9g | ||||
Dietary Fiber | 18.1g | ||||
Sugars | 6.6g | ||||
Protein | 12.8g | ||||
NEWS FLASH 1/25/11: Mark Bittman, the regular writer of the Minimalist column in the New York Times is switching gears. No more Minimalist! Mark's new gig will be advocating in the NYT for less meat & processed foods in our diets--for the health of the body & the planet, and for better farming practices. Food has become both a personal & a politcal issue for him. Read the whole story here.
"My growing conviction that the meat-heavy American diet and our increasing dependence on prepared and processed foods is detrimental not only to our personal health but to that of the planet has had an impact on my life and on that of the column. You can see this in dishes like stir-fried lettuce with shrimp, chickpea tagine with chicken, a number of bean dishes and the dozens of other meatless or less-meat recipes that have become dominant in the last five years.
In part, what I see as the continuing attack on good, sound eating and traditional farming in the United States is a political issue. I’ll be writing regularly about this in the opinion pages of The Times, and in a blog that begins next week. That’s one place to look for me from now on. The other is in The Times Magazine, where I’ll be writing a recipe column most Sundays beginning in March."
I love savory oatmeal. I usually do soy sauce or miso and green onions. I can't wait to try this.
Posted by: mollyjade | January 26, 2011 at 07:35 AM
I cannot tell you enough how much I love your blog!!!!! I have never made a savory oatmeal, but I'm going to tonight! I'm gonna make your recipe, I have all of the ingredients in my fridge and pantry (that rocks too!).
I'm also a big fan of Mark Bittman. Everything from his cookbooks comes out perfectly. I am so excited about his shift right now, I'm practically jumping out of my skin!
See you tomorrow night?
Posted by: Wendy (Healthy Girl's Kitchen) | January 26, 2011 at 07:50 AM
Sounds fabulous!
Posted by: KRISTEN'S RAW | January 26, 2011 at 09:48 AM
I have never made savory oats before, but now I want to! :) Looks amazing, and so easy!!! :) YUM!
Posted by: Kathleen @ Kat's Health Corner | January 26, 2011 at 09:55 AM
I look forward to trying these recipes.
I can't tell you how grateful I am that I found your wonderful blog. I have learned so much and have made many healthful changes. I look forward to every post.
Posted by: Ginger | January 26, 2011 at 07:45 PM
Mark Bittman wrote about a savory oatmeal dish some time ago-- oatmeal cooked with sliceed celery, with soy sauce and a dash of toasted sesame oil. We have enjoyed it ever since as an occasional change from raisin-sweet or neutral oats for breakfast (though lately we leave out even the dash of high omega 6 sesame oil, and it's still good).
Posted by: Jack Potter | January 27, 2011 at 07:20 AM
This sounds so good - I'm making it tonight!
Posted by: Jeff | January 27, 2011 at 02:36 PM
I'm definitely trying the savory oatmeal this weekend! Actually I see it more like risotto! In that direction, there are endless possibilities to explore. It's just a paradigm shift in my way of thinking about oatmeal. Wonderful. Also, I can't let the picture of Rip Esselstyn and you go by without a sigh of total jealousy! He's quite the hunky guy! I'm moving to Cleveland!
Posted by: Gael in Vermont | January 28, 2011 at 03:30 PM
Gael--you're brilliant. Risotto-like--you hit the nail on the head! It really is like a meal--and like you said--with endless possibilities. Also, who knew how jam-packed nutritious nutritional yeast flakes were? BTW--you won't find Rip in Cleveland--he lives in Austin, TX.
That oatmeal also is incredibly filling.
Posted by: Healthy Librarian | January 28, 2011 at 03:37 PM
My father has a wonderful veggie garden and often has more Swiss chard than my parents can consume when I periodically visit. I started to add Swiss chard to oatmeal. I use the stalks which require a longer cooking time which are added at the start of the cooking process whilst the leaves are added at the end of the cooking process. Furthermore I also add bananas or some other fruit and cinnamon. The heaping bowl of oatmeal keeps me going for a while.
I find it tasty and a great way to add more greens to my diet. I've also used rocket or boy choy with oatmeal.
Posted by: Peter | January 29, 2011 at 03:07 AM
Hi -- I, too, LOVE your blog. I haven't found many blogs or forums of people eating an Esselstyn diet, and it's just so great to get these hits of information and inspiration!
Okay, my question -- does "greens" here mean just leafy greens, or any green veg, like broccoli? (Regardless, I can't imagine getting to 6/day without green smoothies, either!)
Thanks!! Pam
Posted by: Pam Mayne | January 29, 2011 at 10:31 AM
Hi Pam,
Thanks so much! When Dr. Esselstyn runs through his list of green GO-TO foods it's like this: Vegetables-lots of greeny leafy ones to restore & heal the endothelial lining of your blood vessels. Kale, Swiss Chard, Cilantro, Collards, Bok Choy, Parsley, Spinach, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower. Looks like broccoli is on the list. But, just to sure, we better ask him! Oh, and cauliflower isn't green--but it's good.
Posted by: Healthy Librarian | January 29, 2011 at 10:43 AM
Hey, green smoothies don't have to have too much fruit! For today's smoothie I packed the hopper full of dandelion greens, dino kale, parsley, and arugula. Then I added a lemon, baby beet, carrot, small knob of fresh turmeric root, chia seeds, wild blueberries, and a few frozen strawberries. I admit I'd never choke this down without a nice thick glass straw, but it truly fills me up, gives me more energy, and my skin tone looks better than it has in years. Can't get around the no chewing, tho'.
Posted by: MG | January 30, 2011 at 10:27 AM
OMG, MG--you are amazing--and this sounds fabulous.
I know it's hard to answer this question--but what are the approximate amounts you have in this?
1 big carrot? 1 baby beet (cooked or raw?), how much wild blueberry (about a cup) & strawberries (maybe 5?)? This is the MOST dynamite nutrient smoothie I've ever heard of.
Then, next question: Do you pack your VitaMix full with a combo of dandelion greens, dino kale, parsley, & arugula?
How much water to you add?
Last question? Did you find turmeric at Whole Foods? Heard of turmeric--never knew it was a root.
If it's giving YOU enough energy for your crazy schedule--it's got to be good!
Can't wait to try it in my VitaMix. Thanks for sharing this recipe!
Your patients are so lucky to have a doc like you.
Posted by: Healthy Librarian | January 30, 2011 at 10:40 AM
HL, you are the amazing one! I think that literally every time I read one of your posts. As I admire your work I find myself wishing I could do what you do. On further reflection it's probably better that I get to learn so much from you. I wish we could hang out. :-)
My smoothies are limited only by the size of the Vitamix container. I cram as many greens as I can into the hopper. Dandelion and arugula go bad fast, so I try to use them within a couple days of purchase. Kale, parsley, and cabbage keep longer. Oh, and I include the stems!
Today, I had no room for celery, but I usually add that, too. I usually add 1-2 carrots. Any size will do, but mine tend to be smaller as I buy them in 1 lb bags. I add raw beet to most smoothies, either a single baby or a chunk of a larger one. Gives it a deep fuschia color.
Re: fruits. I usually add half-to-one cup of frozen wild blueberries in every smoothie plus one other fruit. Today I added ~5 organic strawberries. I know they're not in season, but they add a nice flavor. I often add half a lightly peeled grapefruit. Orange gives a very nice flavor, too. A peeled lemon or two is refreshing. But the point is that adding two of the above fruits really doesn't break the sugar bank. On rare occasions I'll add half a banana or a whole one if I'm serving someone less accustomed to weird smoothies. :-)
I get the turmeric at Whole Foods. For the sake of accuracy, I should add that it's a rhizome, or an underground stem. It has a fairly unique flavor that is stronger than the powdered version. Fresh ginger (also a rhizome!) goes wonderfully in smoothies. Savory smoothies (e.g., lemon/parsley/tomato/beet/celery) do very well with a little cayenne.
I fill the container about 3/4 full with water after I add the solid contents. When blending, I always wrap a clean rag around the tamper and spout to avoid splash. My ex-boyfriend didn't find this necessary and my kitchen wall tells the tale (which reminds me, I really need to re-paint!).
I want to emphasize the importance of a good glass straw to get these smoothies down. At a minimum, the veggie bits get stuck in teeth and blueberries/beets stain. For more strongly flavored smoothies, the straw really softens the flavor. You can water the smoothie down more if it's too thick for a straw. I use smoothie straws from They're strong, not too expensive, and have a great warranty. The skinnier version is great for tea or coffee. Be sure to get the pipewire cleaner (comes with all sets or is available for sale).
Hope this helps. I'm the first to admit that this approach is unconventional, but I know I'd be a lot less healthy without my veggie-heavy smoothies. Let me know how your smoothie adventures go!
Posted by: MG | January 30, 2011 at 07:48 PM
MG--Thanks, so much for taking the considerable amount it took to write this out!
Let the "real" vegetable smoothie experiments begin!
BTW, I told my husband about your concoction & he said, "Print it all out. I want to try it."
Great idea about the glass straw, too.
I also think it would be great to hang out!
Posted by: Healthy Librarian | January 31, 2011 at 03:45 AM
This was very good, but I think it was a little heavy for me. But I didn't give up on savory oatmeal. This morning I made oatmeal and then added spinach, nutritional yeast, pepper, green onions, some low sodium tamari and a squirt of Sriracha. It was amazing. I had it again for lunch!! :)
Posted by: Jeff | January 31, 2011 at 02:34 PM
You know, I should add that I really don't use recipes for the smoothies. I buy whatever looks good at Whole Foods (oh, how I miss California farmers markets!) and chuck it into the VitaMix. My rule of thumb is that if you can eat it raw then it's fit for the VitaMix!:-) I might limit certain potent ingredients if I'm serving the uninitiated since I can see how my smoothie tastes have evolved since I started doing this last June.
Another great perk is that my produce never goes bad anymore!
Posted by: MG | January 31, 2011 at 02:54 PM
We've been eating the Savory "Cheezy" Breakfast Oatmeal with Shitake Mushrooms lately and really love it. I have to say that I feel much better when I have it versus what I was having before, steel cut oats with lots of dried fruits. No more enery swings or "hang overs".
We have one suggestion though and that is to use kale instead of the spinach since we've always been told that spinach keeps you from absorbing the calcium. Perhaps also, the stated calcium, 17%, should be revised.
Thank you so very much for the wonderful recipes and all that we are learning from you.
Posted by: Tom Riley | February 09, 2011 at 08:27 PM
Great idea about the kale--I used spinach because it "melts" in a minute in the microwave & it's very mild--won't overpower the other flavors. Not true, that spinach completely blocks calcium absorption--maybe you'll absorb less than from other greens, but it's not something to worry about as long as you're eating kale & other greens, too. is it working with the kale? Do you pre-cook it--or just mix it in while the oatmeal cooks?
I don't get any negative effects from the fruited oatmeal--but, boy did I stay full and feel energetic with the savory variety.
Posted by: Healthy Librarian | February 10, 2011 at 04:48 AM
Hi Healthy Librarian,
I LOVE your blog! I had picked up hulled buckwheat at the co-op because I thought I remembered Brendan Brazier mentioning it in Thrive Nutrition. Ha, actually I think he only mentions buckwheat FLOUR / pancakes. By the way I tried your bean pancakes in the past and they were awesome!
So I wanted a really simple tasty recipe and wasn't finding one quickly and remembered this post. Thank you for listing the ingredients in the Bone Suckin' Sauce too. I just mixed up organic dark brown sugar with cayenne and paprika - yum! All I did was toast the buckwheat in a pan then cook it (like rice); add chopped sundried tomatoes and dried shiitake mushrooms (had to nuke those in water to chop them, mine were too hard to break) and my 3-ingredient wish-it-was-Bone Suckin' Spice, and add the microwaved 2.5oz baby spinach per serving. My husband said it was good. (I purposely left out the nootch because I'm trying to convert him to plantstrong - and get him off statins!) and he's not a nootch fan, or even really onion/garlic. Also very simple because with my (developing) cooking skills if it tastes decent I try to quit while I'm ahead, but someone else might be happy to hear this worked well for buckwheat!
Sorry for the long comment, I could go on and on about your blog. Thank you SO much for turning me on to the Engine 2 book, I love it!
Posted by: Lydia | February 13, 2011 at 05:07 PM
Re: your "before" photo with Rip: It is time to update your mug shot that comes to us with each blog. We want to see the new you!
I enjoy old fashioned oats, 1/2 to 3/4 cup extra water to accommodate 1 cup of frozen broccoli florets, dash of salt, 1/16 teaspoon ground turmeric and same of ground ginger. Cook 5 minutes, stir occasionally, until it reaches desired consistency. Top with walnuts. Yummy.CT
Posted by: Connie T. | March 19, 2011 at 05:39 PM
Where do you purchase the Bone Sucking Sauce and California Sun Dried Tomatoes? Do you know if they carry them at Heinen's or Giant Eagle? I've never been able to stomach oatmeal until I found a recipe on the Oh She Glows web site for Sweet Potato Oatmeal Breakfast Casserole. Knowing the health benefits of oatmeal, I was thrilled to find an oatmeal recipe I really enjoyed. I'd like to try this recipe, especially since it's made with steel cut oats which I've heard were more healthy than rolled oats.
Posted by: Donna Benjamin | March 19, 2011 at 09:18 PM
You're right Connie T. about updating the photo for my blog! I'm usually the photo-taker in the family - so I just need to get my husband to take one of me--but then the whole photo thing creates this dual conflict thing in me between modesty & vanity. That's why I haven't done anything with that yet!
I like the addition of broccoli, ginger & walnuts in your morning oats.
Donna B.
For the oatmeal I use Bone Suckin' Rub (it's a dry fabulous tasting mixed seasoning)--the sauce I also use on tofu or burgers--but not in the oatmeal.
I've found it at the 2 Heinen's I go to (so if yours doesn't have it, I'm sure they can order it for you). The seasoning & the sauce are shelved in the barbecue sauce aisle.
The chipotle powder is Pioneer brand--and I've picked that up at out-of-town Whole Foods in Cincy, St. Louis, & Florida--but it's not at my local store. Try Penzey's.
The California sun-dried julienned tomatoes are also at Heinen's, but they're hidden (in at least 2 stores) on the lower shelves of the produce display for tomatoes, garlic, & avocados. You'll see mostly sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil--but walk all around the square display & you'll find the California-made bags.
I've only found dried shiitake mushrooms at Whole Foods (in the produce section). But fresh would be just fine. Let me know how it turns out!
I've got to try the Sweet Potato breaksfast casserole. Sounds so good!
Posted by: The Healthy Librarian | March 20, 2011 at 05:08 AM
Delicious! I had to modify a few things. Did not have Tumeric, the rub, or the dried shitakis. I threw in a few dashes of the ingrediants from the rub and used Baby portabellos. It was so hearty and warming. I will take this for lunch too!
Posted by: Sherry Cooke | March 20, 2011 at 09:24 AM
Have you tried this with the overnight soak method, like the pumpkin oatmeal?
Posted by: JenniferItoND | March 20, 2011 at 10:00 AM
Yay, Sherry! So glad to hear you also loved it. I had some before I left this morning--then went to 1 hour of spinning, one hour of yoga (Burning 600 calories0, then 1 hour of grocery shopping, 30 minute ride home--and over 4 hours later I wasn't the least bit starving, tired, or dying for food. That is totally NOT how it was when I ate the fruited oatmeal for breakfast. This stuff rocks!
Jennifer, ND,
I do it both ways. I do the overnight soak, but keep it in the fridge because it has one cup of soy milk in it.(or any non-dairy milk). It's quicker cooking that way--& sometimes I need to add more water to it while it cooks--I like it real thick. I don't notice any taste difference--it just speeds things up if you do it before you go to sleep. But then you have 3 mornings of already made oats!
Posted by: The Healthy Librarian | March 20, 2011 at 10:50 AM
I use your crockpot method so I have enough oatmeal for the week, but I use 1 1/4 cups of steel cut oats and 1/4 cup of barley to 5 1/2 cups of water and 1 cup of soy milk, with all the extras upped a bit. The barley adds a textural interest, as well as the benefits of barley
Posted by: Alexandra | August 22, 2011 at 04:50 AM
Love the site and thanks for all the info you provide.
I played around with this recipe challenge and made an Oat Cake with San Marzano tomato/ kale "gravy".
It is a two step recipe that may be a bit more involved than what you requested. I made this originally with Field Roast
Italian faux sausage, but realize many heart patients would omit, so I simplified where possible.
The oat cake is combined with my home made fat free roasted red pepper hummus, but WFM has a couple
brands that save time. Please let me know if you would like the recipe I will forward it.
Thanks again, great idea!
Posted by: Mike Cherol | September 10, 2011 at 09:08 AM
Yes, yes, yes! Definitely, forward the recipe to me! Can't wait to try it. Sounds amazing.
Posted by: The Healthy Librarian | September 10, 2011 at 09:28 AM