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January 29, 2011


wendy (healthy girl)

Great summary of the night. I'm going to link your post to mine so readers can get your much better description! And thank you for a rockin' shout out!!!!!!


I'm so envious - I actually went to the screening at our public library here in Vancouver, BC, and was turned away (by a librarian!) because the 300 seat room was full. Can't wait to see it when it comes out. Do you happen to know if the DVD is on sale anywhere?


The Engine 2 Diet's facebook page gave you a shout-out for your great write-up with a link to this post. Cool.

Thanks to you and Esselstyns for helping me get a seat to our 'sell-out' house here in STL.



Does Rip have that shopping list posted anywhere? Plant-based eating is healthy, and should keep us from paying ridiculous health-care bills, but even with shopping bulk goods at the Asian store and buying things on sale, it's hard for me to keep the cost below $100/ week for two people. It isn't the beans and rice- it's what goes with them. Especially if you look for low sodium/ low fat stuff. Canned tomatoes without salt are more expensive (unless on sale) than those with it. Oy.


Please tell me your quote under "Nothing beats watching..." from Dr. Campbell is incorrect. You wrote "But plant protein, even in excess of 20% of calories, did turn on cancer cells or effect their growth."I hope plant protein did NOT turn on cancer cells or AFFECT their growth.

Healthy Librarian

Hey, Les! Thanks for the heads up about the Engine 2 page! I better get a facebook page! Maybe one of these days.

Mitzi--I'll find out where Rip's shopping list is posted. It's got be online--maybe on the Austin Whole Foods Web site.

Carol, the word is that the DVD will probably come out 10 months after the film comes out--and now that release date has been changed to May 6, 2011. At the screening they said 3/11/11.

Jan, Oops--I made a big typo with that one! Thanks for catching it--I've just changed it, thanks to you. It should say, "But plant protein, even in excess of 20% of calories, did not turn on cancer cells or affect their growth."

Healthy Librarian

Wendy, my pleasure, for the shout-out--your blog's terrific. Thanks for the link--I loved your post!


Hey Carol, the DVD should be coming out by the end of the summer. And if you go to the website and sign up for their newsletter, they'll keep you posted on all things forks-over-knives and when the film will be released in Cleveland (probably the second wave).

If anyone would like to send me an e-mail, I will be thrilled send you Rip's shopping list attachment. [email protected]

plant-strong all life-long!

Healthy Librarian

Ellen, Thanks so much for your offer of emailing Rip's list--I'll post your offer on my next post--so more people will see it.

The UH & Chagrin Whole Foods did an AMAZING job on putting together the screening--everyone could not have been nicer--and it was so well-organized.

So glad I bought my KALE shirt, too. Almost forgot--thanks so much for the link to my post on your WF facebook & homepage--friends noticed it--and let me know. What a happy morning surprise.


One genuine question I have for you: after 20 years of healthy vegetarian eating, and 10 years of vegan eating, I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes.

After 1 year of eliminating grains, all processed foods, and (obviously) sugar, and eating animal protein and fat for the first time in 30 years, my blood sugar is well within normal range and I take no medications.

I really do believe eating low-fat vegetarian/vegan greatly contributed to my diabetes. Eating a "primal" lifestyle has enabled me to live without medication.


Hey, My pleasure!

Thanks for the WFM compliment -- I am amazingly fortunate to work with so many talented, creative and committed team members!

Was happy to post the link on the FB pages!!! Blogs like yours and Wendy's are so important -- I will do all I can to spread the word!!!

Take good care!


I was a vegetarian for many years. I started eating meat a couple of years ago. I also reduced my consumption of grains, and stopped eating all soy products. I eat more fruits and vegetables as an omnivore than I did as a vegetarian.

I am much healthier as result: I sleep better, have more energy, and find it easier to keep my weight down.

There is no "one size fits all" diet. Every person is different: some people thrive as vegans, some people need meat to achieve optimal health.

Hank Roberts

I looked at the fancy sprouted-sourdough 100 percent whole-grain local coop bakery bread ingredients yesterday.

Half a gram of lecithin (five percent of the RDA for fat), and 20 percent of the RDA for sodium.

Per slice.

Knowing the RDA's way too high.

Good grief.


I have been on the Esselstyn diet for 11 days now and I would like to know how I can get off of 3 types of blood pressure meds gradually.

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