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January 24, 2011


Wendy (Healthy Girl's Kitchen)

I've been eating this way for over 18 months and people continually compliment me on my skin. So I know this to be true!

Cynthia Bailey MD, Dermatologist

The golden glow of beta carotene is definitely very attractive. I wrote a blog post encouraging people to skip the tan and eat their veggies during the summer when I first found Dr. Ian Stephen's study. I've noticed it for years on my patients here in veggie eating Northern California but it was great to see it validated by science. It's great to get the word out!

I'm also thrilled to see you spreading a great testimonial from Neal's wife about being able to get off a prescription medicine for her skin problem once she began eating a plant based diet. Our skin is such a great barometer for our overall health and vitality.

Kathleen @ Kat's Health Corner

Fruits and Vegetables are AMAZING!!! :D

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