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February 16, 2011



Not boring at all. This is good stuff! My university does not have access to some of the journals you cite, so I would not have seen this information without this post. Thank you!

wendy doran

i agree..not boring at all!!!I am sure colin campbell mentioned in the china study that chinese rural workers had very low HDLs but this did'nt seem to be a problem for them because their LDLs were very low too.I knew about the tarahumera indians and quoted the fact that although they had low HDLs they also had low LDLs annd no heart disease to all my sceptical friends when i had my cholesterol results and the HDL had fallen BUT so had my LDLs.Everyone thinks i am mad and obssesive about my lifestyle but to keep the heart disease and inflammation at bay one has to be, i have found this to be so through totally following DR E to the letter and feel fantastic!!! Please keep the wonderful info rolling out.

Mark Arneson

Fascinating post. For a while I have been intrigued by's 'Inflammation Factor' ratings, and I wonder about its accuracy and whether it should inform my dietary choices. In particular, I was surprised to see several nuts (almonds, macadamia) rated as strongly anti-inflammatory whereas walnuts rate as moderately inflammatory. I only eat small amounts of nuts, but it's enough to make me think twice about using only walnuts.

Gael in Vermont

Apologies to Dr. Rader and you Deb...this was great stuff to digest. I have to read it again, but all I kept thinking about was that Dr. Rader is the NEW "Doc Brown" with his own "flux capacitor"...we're definitely in "Back to the Future" territory here! Excuse me while I take the DeLorean for a spin!

Healthy Librarian


So funny! I had the exact same thought about the "Flux Capicitor". Almost called the post: With HDLs, it's Back to the Future with the Efflux Capacit"or"


Thanks for this interesting post.
Without you posting I really would not get this info!

The inflammation problem is something I have to ponder.
Doesn't seem easy to resolve at all, at least to my mind.
I also try to keep the omega6 / omega3 ratio in mind.

But plant based and without added oil should go a long way in the right direction...

Cynthia Bailey MD, Dermatologist

Deb you did an unbelievably fantastic job interpreting and translating this heady science, and making it relevant to our daily dietary choices. Bless you for your hard work. And you knit together so many scientific pieces of the story as it stands right now. The piece about oxidative stress and efflux capacity is pivotal. It's fascinating to see the story unfolding.

I just bought Dr. Esselstyn's book for his recipes and am on a mission to cut out the olive oil (oh I do love it). I have super high HDL's and almost perfect LDL's but some odd tendency for musculoskelatal inflammation triggered by diet. Whatever it is it's got to be oxidatively provocative and it feels like this post is written for me. Thanks!

Cherie Perkins

Thank you so much for another great post. I think I heard Dr.E explain this a few times and I still did not 'get' it - just trusted him. Now it is much clearer. Not boring! I'll re-read it a few times to make sure it sticks and I can share it intelligently.

Radha - 'Baby Boomer Girl'

Thank you for taking the time to inform readers so thoroughly: we follow your blog because of these 'gem' articles, and hope they will long continue. We are already eating Plant-Wholefoods and, not having any medical or nutrition qualifications, we very much appreciate being able to learn what peer-reviewed studies are showing so that we can answer those who claim that animal foods are a healthier choice. It would be helpful to have a page of links to research that would set the Weston Price devotees thinking again, for instance - they are gaining a huge influence here in New Zealand - the land of grass-fed animals. Are you able to write again on NON soy-industry funded research that validates soy, for instance? And of studies further to Prof Campbell's that also show the adverse effects of dairy proteins? There are some focusing on Betacasomorphine 7, I think it is: A1 milk. But those support A2 milk. The internet is full of 'cut-&-paste' journalism speaking to us, the general public, in such simple and emotional every-day speack as to presume we don't have brains, and we aren't interested in the source/integrity of the research. Hence it is almost impossible to argue if one is not already an academic of some sort. Citations and good links to sources are SO important, and you provide them. Thank you so much!!!!

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