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March 22, 2011


Andy B

Any form of dance is an expression of joy. I have released my inner dancer for the past three years in Zumba classes at my fitness center. Witnessing the euphoria on the faces of the others in the class multiplies my pleasure exponentially.

wendy (healthy girl's ktichen)

You look so happy! Lovely!!!!

Gael in Vermont

I've adored square dancing ever since my 3rd grade gym class! Even back then, I can remember laughing my way through the square...not knowing where to go or who to be with! We fell in hysterics...still do. A die-hard rocker here, but I never say 'no' to square dancing. You guys looked like you had a blast!


Love it! I am now going to try wearing my pedometer to Zumba just to see how many steps I get in an hour... (It's a CRAZY intense class. I'm excited to see... Now I just have to find my pedometer. Hrm...)

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