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May 05, 2011



That soup looks fabulous!


Do you think it would work with cooked brown rice, instead of the bread? (for us gluten intolerant folks ...)

wendy (healthy girl's ktichen)

This looks amazing. Can't wait to make it when my kitchen is ready. Was thinking of adapting it for the crockpot until then. Do you think it would work?

Reader in Tuscany

Hi, and thanks for the recipe.

I live in Tuscany, so we eat this fairly often, but I would love to try your version with whole grain bread and leaving out the salt.

(It's going to be pretty tough to convince me to leave out the olive oil!) I have such low blood pressure I don't usually worry too much about salt, but my husband unfortunately has the opposite problem. (Do you know what it is like to try to convince a Florentine he is better off without prosciutto e schiacciata?)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that 'borlotti' beans are nearly identical in appearance and flavor to pinto beans, though a bit smaller. Tastier than white beans (cannellini) in my opinion. (But then I grew up eating refried pinto beans in California.)


For those of you who want to try borlotti beans (and other unusual heirloom and traditional beans grown organically in Napa) check out the website for Rancho Gordo: New World Specialty Foods. I made a pot of beans from Vallarta beans recently that were out of this world.

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