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May 10, 2011



Thank you for this post. I really think it helps having people share their experience this way. It is inspiring to see how your blog impacts so many lives. This lifestyle suddenly seems to be possible and accessible. At least it works for me this way despite some difficulties arising out of differences due to living in in Germany and having different food options etc. And even despite the fact that I hope to regain some much needed pounds which seems to make me an exception in the plant based network. But still your blog makes me somehow feel connected.
I really love all the comments.
Two years ago I had a cholesterol level of 240 and a BMI of 21,5. And I thought that this could simply not be possible!
Therefore I was very interested to read that other slim people had this problem too. Even people where I would think a high cholesterol level even more unlikely like blog reader Linda. Who would have thought skim milk / added oil could make that much of a difference for a slim person.
I think it is really inspiring having people share their experiences. And it is wonderful to read about the impact your lifestyle changes and your blog has on your family members and co-workers and on readers all over the world it seems.

I love your blog and I am always exited to find that I have something new to read! Thank you!

A posting about nuts - you mentioned a potential walnut blogpost some time ago - would be very much appreciated!

Gael in Vermont

I loved reading all about the healthy librarianS...plural! Fabulous...what a good influence you are! Hearing other peoples' stories always motivates me just a little bit more. What would we do without the internet? It's a very empowering place. Truly, your blog and others in the same genre have changed the face of medical care today.


I've enjoyed reading your postings for quite some time now, and passed your newsletter on to many friends. Hopefully they've taken the 'bite'.
You asked if anyone knows how to make a good soy yogurt. I make my own weekly as I have never found a commercial one that I like (I live in Sydney, Australia). I use something called 'EasiYo', which I bought at KMart for $22 (AUD). It's a container in a container, and requires no electricity. I started with about 2 TBLS of an organic goat's milk yogurt for starter, though I'm sure you've got many options over in the US. (we don't have anything like Whole Foods as the size of our population can't support a store like that, sadly) I know it's a bit of 'cheat', but it's all in the attitude, right? I then add enough BonSoy, the best quality soy milk you can buy here in Oz, to fill the internal container. After that, you add boiling water to the other container, put the one with yogurt inside, close the lid, and 12 hours later you've got absolutely delicious soy yogurt, with none of that processed taste. I'm sure you can experiment with putting fruit or even a vanilla bean in it, but I like it as is. In the morning I add it to our homemade muesli and top it with cinnamon. Yum.

Healthy Librarian


Thank you X3 for answering my plea all the way from NZ.
I immediately looked online & found a source for EasyiYo--but here's my question?

Do you need to use a powdered kind of "yogurt starter" every time you make yogurt--or if I'm understanding you correctly, you can use 2 TBS. of the yogurt you buy in the store as a starter? BTW--your "cheat" sounds brilliant, and I agree with you--we do the best we can with what we've got. Right?

I'm passing this on the Mary, the thrifty librarian--and I'm going to get my hands on an EasiYo and try it out myself!

It's so interesting to me how many NZers read this blog!

Cynthia Bailey MD, Dermatologist

I send patients and readers to your blog for inspiration and information. Recently I've had some lovely feedback from patients about how helpful they find your content. You're inspirational and so helpful and I'm glad I found you via one of your comments on NY Times Well blog. I'm a big proponent of plant heavy eating, though I admit to not entirely giving up the olive oil or goat dairy. You have inspired me to sure cut down on them though.

Jill Princehouse

for soy yogurt, go to From there you can check out Bryanna Clark Grogan's tutorial too.

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