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June 21, 2011



Amazing work on communicating *that*research to us! I am confused between G.Index and G.Load. I read somewhere that GL was the more accurate measure for good health.

Also, what are collards?


Thank you for this interesting post.
I am also more afraid of stroke and Alzheimer than of heart disease and want to minimize my risk as far as it is in my power to do so.
The way I eat at the moment is probably too high in the GI range because of fruit. But I have to gain some weight and fruit (and walnuts, olives, avocados) seem to work for me and they are whole foods.

You have already inspired me to go(nearly) oil-free and this enabled me to change to a far better vegan diet as I need (and eat) more beans and co. Before I changed to a 'no added oil' plant based diet I only ever formed the intention to eat more beans. Without added oil I really do eat more beans (and far more greens) which is a wonderful change.

So I am definitely a taker!
Thank you for your blog and the work you invest in getting out this wealth of info!

Kate (from New Zealand)

Great post HHL - thanks for taking the trouble to tell us about the study. It is a remarkable study really, because getting ethical approval for spinal taps under these circumstances would be very difficult, not to mention getting people to volunteer (would you volunteer for a spinal tap?).

What would I add to your anti-alzheimers diet? Tumeric or curcumin (the active ingredient in tumeric) perhaps. Indians have much lower rates of alzheimers and one hypothesis about that it is the tumeric they eat daily - it is thought to have anti inflammatory effects.


Correction: Checked the GI Index and found that the 'masses' of fruit I eat are not so bad.
Potatoes and glutenfree bread (the only palatable one I can get is not whole grain) are the worst offenders in my diet.

So I might be even more of a taker in the experiment of minimizing the dementia risk!

Chris G.

Looks like the evidence of mini-strokes and dementia being caused by poor diet (high fat, high GI index) and lack of exercise is mounting fast:

John La Puma MD

Wonderful clear analysis: as Marion Nestle is famously quoted "People eat foods not nutrients"... and there's every reason to think that better foods lead to a better quality life: one wonders what the chemistry would look like in a year or five, and if a low glycemic high unsaturated fat diet might have provided even better results.

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