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July 11, 2011



Sounds like a lovely time, full of good things in the right amounts. Makes me think I need a holiday. Oh, wait - I'm off for a long weekend with three of my husband's siblings and their spouses. I guess that counts? (all depends....;) I'll keep your counsels in mind. And we're looking forward to the next batch of recipes!

Chris G.

Great recipes, great trip. I make it a point to run 1-hr in the woods 3 mornings a week. I've seen another human in these woods only 3 times in the past 6 years, but encounter all sorts of diverse wildlife every trip. Its not as good as a week in the woods, but I do think it sets the stage for a good day.

Also, finally read the Norman Fischer 'Simple Yet Astounding Ways to Calm Down' post. Go figure, I was too busy prior to that. Really beautiful and incredibly simple, yet useful. Thank you so much for that. I feel better already.

Chris G.

Also, I'll be curious to (eventually) hear if you have any thoughts regarding Brendan Brazier. Having only seen his name and web site, my initial impression was that he was more of a salesman compared to Scott Jurek, who, at least to me, has a much more impressive resume of athletic accomplishments and little agenda beyond getting the word out that vegans can be world class athletes too.

Healthy Librarian


I only heard about Brazier recently from a physician who is plant-based no-added-oil. Rip Esselstyn had recommended Brazier's book to him--and he was experimenting with Brazier's homemade pre- & post recovery drinks.

I'm with you about being suspect regarding books that aim to sell a product--but I was just interested in he homemade stuff. Yes, Jurek is the more accomplished athlete.

I'm personally not interested in Brazier's mostly raw food alkaline food schtick, either.

I think you would appreciate his sports drinks, though--he uses hemp protein, chia, chlorella, maca, lemon & lime juice, dates---among other things.

I'm also with him on repetitive active exercise as a meditation that spurs creative thought.


Great post. Now, even more, I am looking forward to an outdoor vacation with my family next week. The oat bake was delicious and plenty sweet. I used 2 Tbl. each of brown sugar and maple syrup and reduced the walnuts. When I don't have berries, a few chopped dates, along with the bananas, might be good.

Gael in VT

I just returned from a painting retreat with my sister-friends...each year we rent the most heavenly house (built in 1924) that sits right

on the NY side of Lake Champlain. After a few years of inns and B&B's, we found this spot because it has a screened-in porch overlooking

the lake with a sleeping bed!...and we can cook all our own meals which we love. Last year and this, the ladies went

plant-strong (but for one meal of wild salmon) and they loved it. I bring along the mother-of-all blenders, green pans,

fresh herbs and spices, and they all bring veggies from their prolific gardens. After reading Fischer's list, we met all criteria!

Walks along the lake, yoga on the sunlit porch, quiet time-focus time while painting, little snoozes on the napping bed, etc.

We wouldn't trade this little house for anything. It helps SO much to have a kitchen so I can control the meal situation...instead of

negotiating in restaurants. With this group of ladies, I feel comfortable inviting them to eat a plant-based diet along with me.

And that's the key word, I think, "inviting." Great food, great friends, great times!


Great post. The non fat coconut milk got me intrigued, will try that next time I make a recipe with coconut milk. Thanks a lot.

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