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July 15, 2011


Wendy (Healthy Girl)

Chris and I both listened to a book on tape this summer-The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die by John B. Izzo. It was incredible and it changed my life for the better. Great post BTW.

Todd Coston

If you haven't read "The Art of Possibility" by Zander and Zander it's a real treat!!


I just finished Better – A surgeon’s notes on performance by Atul Gawande. It was excellent!

Also picked up at the library Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 people by Jennifer Cornbleet and Change your Brain, Change your Body by Tana Amen and Daniel G Amen both had some recipes I plan to try.


My summer reading so far: The Emperor of All Maladies, A Biography of Cancer, and Blood Work, A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution by Holly Tucker (a history of the early days of blood transfusion). Both very good.

When I was twelve we moved from the country to town, and although I lived closer to the library when we lived in the country, when we moved to town we had sidewalks and I was older so started walking the 1.5 miles to the library almost daily in the summertime. My passion for the library continues - enhanced by technology that lets me read the Sunday PD book reviews and order up books on my laptop for email notification when they are ready for me. How sweet is that!


Rachel Naomi Remen. Get the 2-book in a box. Both are wonderful food for thought. She's an amazing person.


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