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July 21, 2011


Erica the librarian

Any chance you can provide recipes for your Hot n' Spicy Smoked Tofu and homemade Energy Strawberry Carob Energy Bars? They both sound (and look) great!


Yes! Please post the recipes!

Healthy Librarian

The tofu I'm loving is: Tree of Life, Smoked Hot n' Spicy! Can't find a website for them.

It almost tastes like spicy smoked gouda cheese. 1/2 of their nutritional info "serving size" is enough for a sandwich or chopped up for a wrap or a salad topping.

At that size it's 2.5 grams of fat.

It's firm & dense, not like tofu at all.

The Strawberry Carob bars are from Brendan Brazier's Thrive, & I'll have to make them again to give you all the right proportions of ingrediens.

Brazier's recipe needed adjustments.

Donna, the recipes for the pot-luck are all linked on Wendy's site--and my favorites have links on this post.

Go to the web version if you're having link problems.

Chris G.

Looks like tons of fun!

Funny, I was going to ask for the Hot n' Spicy Smoked Tofu & Homemade Energy Strawberry Carob Energy Bars info...thanks for the tofu lead, I'll wait on the energy bar recipe.

Gael in Vermont

This post left me smiling throughout! It was infectious...friends, great food, fun activities, and a great book! One of my favorite stories in that collection is "Who Am I This Time." Isn't it wonderful how all these plant-strong blogs have hooked us all together and have given us the opportunity to share what we know, how we've changed, and what we've learned? Thanks to you and Wendy and AJ, all the great docs, and other blogs I read, I have learned more and done more than I EVER could have done 10 years ago! And when the blog writers actually hook-up in real time...then the fun really begins! I wish I was there.

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